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English-German translation for: severe
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Dictionary English German: severe

Translation 1 - 50 of 133  >>

English German
ADJ   severe | severer | severest
SYNO   severe | spartan | terrible | wicked ... 
severe {adj}
severe {adj}
severe {adj}
severe {adj} [serious, intense, extreme]
stark [heftig, schlimm, schwer]
severe {adj}
severe {adj}
schlimm [bitter, streng]
severe {adj}
akut [Schmerzen]
severe {adj}
schwer [heftig]
severe {adj}
massiv [heftig]
severe {adj}
severe {adj}
übel [bitter, schlimm]
severe {adj}
scharf [schonungslos]
severe {adj}
severe {adj} [budget cuts etc.]
severe {adj} [pain]
arg [Schmerzen]
severe {adj} [face, beauty, landscape, etc.]
herb [Gesicht, Schönheit, Landschaft etc.]
severe {adj}
empfindlich [stark]
severe {adj}schwergradig
2 Words: Others
moderately severe {adj}mittelschwer
med. moderately severe {adj}mittelgradig schwer
more severe {adj}strenger
most severe {adj}strengste
non-severe {adj}minderschwer
2 Words: Verbs
to be severehart sein
2 Words: Nouns
med. severe allergyschwere Allergie {f}
severe attackheftiger Anfall {m}
med. severe bleedingernste Blutung {f}
cloth. severe blousestrenge Bluse {f}
severe blowharter Schlag {m}
med. severe burnsschwere Verbrennungen {pl}
med. tech. severe burnsstarke Verbrennungen {pl}
severe coldbittere Kälte {f}
severe coldgrimmige Kälte {f}
severe coldschlimme Erkältung {f}
severe coldstrenge Kälte {f}
severe competitionharter Wettbewerb {m}
severe competitionscharfer Wettbewerb {m}
med. severe complicationschwere Komplikation {f}
med. severe concussionschwere Gehirnerschütterung {f}
severe conformitygenaue Übereinstimmung {f}
severe course [of disease]schwerer Verlauf {m} [einer Krankheit]
severe criticismscharfe Kritik {f}
severe criticismschonungslose Kritik {f}
severe defeatschwere Niederlage {f}
psych. severe depression {sg}schwere Depressionen {pl}
severe destructionstarke Zerstörung {f}
severe disabilitySchwerbehinderung {f}
severe disappointmentsernste Enttäuschungen {pl}
severe disciplinestrenge Disziplin {f}
severe examinationstrenge Prüfung {f}
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A 2022-07-19: oder: (severe) reprimand / admonition
A 2019-10-03: Eben: severe > ernst, old chap
A 2019-10-03: Eben, auch "acute" bezieht sich auf den Inhalt: "unpleasant or unwelcome, ...
A 2018-05-16: a less severe offence
A 2017-07-24: new orders took a deep / severe plunge / ... plunged severely
A 2016-04-05: 22:37 — same register, less severe; but English prefers understatement, do...
A 2015-09-29: Due to my severe disability (100%, marked G and B) ...
A 2013-11-06: to be prohibited under threat of severe punishment
A 2013-11-02: Heavy/ severe traffic, congestion
Q 2013-10-30: a severe wave
A 2012-04-14: under the severe influence of alcohol
Q 2011-09-08: Severe case of frustration.
A 2011-08-27: We have largely escaped the worst of the severe weather
A 2011-08-21: typo: severe
A 2011-02-08: "erschwert" ist zu mild; "severe" ist ziemlich happig
Q 2011-02-08: severe applications
A 2010-11-26: severe/massive floods ...
A 2010-01-29: Not so literal: The accusers were so angry and bitter that, out of revenge...
A 2010-01-24: in severe difficulties / in trouble / (severely) troubled / in dire straits
A 2010-01-12: who came to us as an emergency case because she WAS in (severe) pain

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