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English-German translation for: sewing
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Dictionary English German: sewing

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
NOUN   a sewing | sewings
VERB  to sew | sewed | sewn/sewed
sewing | sews
SYNO   sewing | stitching | stitchery
sewing {adj} {pres-p}
Nähen {n}
textil. sewing
Handarbeit {f}
Näharbeit {f}
Heftung {f}
comp. MedTech. sewing
Zusammenfügen {n}
sewingSchränkung {f}
2 Words: Others
sewing on {adj} {pres-p}annähend
sewing up {adj} {pres-p}vernähend
sewing up {adj} {pres-p}zunähend
2 Words: Nouns
textil. (sewing) cottonBaumwollgarn {n}
textil. (sewing) notions [esp. Am.]Nähzubehör {n}
textil. hand sewingHandnähen {n}
textil. machine sewingDurchnähen {n}
textil. machine sewingMaschinennähen {n}
sewing accessories {pl}Nähzubehör {n}
sewing basketNähkorb {m}
sewing boxNähkästchen {n}
sewing boxNähkasten {m}
sewing boxNähschatulle {f} [selten]
sewing cooperativeSchneidergenossenschaft {f}
sewing cottonNähfaden {m}
textil. sewing cottonNähgarn {n}
sewing cottonNähzwirn {m}
sewing cottonZwirn {m}
cloth. educ. textil. sewing courseNähkurs {m}
sewing kitFlickzeug {n}
sewing kitNähetui {n}
sewing kitNähsatz {m}
sewing kitNähset {n}
sewing kitNähzeug {n}
tech. sewing machineAnlagetisch {m}
sewing machineNähmaschine {f}
sewing machinesNähmaschinen {pl}
sewing needleHeftnadel {f}
textil. tools sewing needleNähnadel {f}
textil. tools sewing needlesNähnadeln {pl}
cloth. textil. sewing patternSchnittmuster {n}
textil. sewing roomNäherei {f}
textil. sewing roomNähstube {f}
sewing roomNähzimmer {n}
educ. sewing schoolNähschule {f}
sewing scissors {pl}Nähschere {f}
sewing silkNähseide {f}
textil. sewing stitchStichart {f}
cloth. sewing systemNähsystem {n}
furn. sewing tableNähtisch {m}
sewing threadNähfaden {m}
textil. sewing threadNähgarn {n}
sewing threadNähzwirn {m}
3 Words: Nouns
(sewing) notions box [Am.]Nähkästchen {n}
comm. textil. (sewing) notions store [Am.]Mercerie {f} [schweiz.] [Kurzwarenhandlung]
print book sewing machineFadenheftmaschine {f}
button sewing machineKnopfannähmaschine {f}
textil. jersey sewing needleJersey-Nähnadel {f}
cloth. tech. textil. overlock sewing machineOverlock-Nähmaschine {f}
polyester sewing threadPolyesternähgarn {n}
sewing machine needleNähmaschinennadel {f}
sewing machine oilNähmaschinenöl {n}
furn. textil. sewing machine tableNähmaschinentisch {m}
jobs sewing machine technicianNähmaschinenmechaniker {m}
tech. textil. treadle sewing machineTretnähmaschine {f}
4 Words: Nouns
textil. ball point (sewing) needleJerseynadel {f}
tech. textil. blind stitch sewing machineBlindnähmaschine {f}
electr. bright LED sewing lighthelles LED-Nählicht {n}
textil. free-arm sewing machineFreiarm-Nähmaschine {f} [auch: Freiarmnähmaschine]
5+ Words: Nouns
clutch motor for sewing machineKupplungsmotor {m} für Nähmaschine
textil. tools combined sewing and embroidery machinekombinierte Näh- und Stickmaschine {f}
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A 2018-09-08: Danke für die Mühe! Ich versuch es mal mit: sewing thread star card
Q 2016-01-15: my sewing room is my happy place
A 2014-12-26: +sewing notions+ labelled here +North American+
A 2014-12-26: sewing needs / sewing accessories
Q 2013-12-03: by sewing machine vs with the sewing machine
Q 2011-08-07: Do you really want that old sewing machine? You're welcome to it, the ugly...
Q 2011-01-09: sewing by / sewed by ???
A 2010-06-01: Don't buy a European sewing machine
Q 2010-04-10: unintelligible sewing instructions
A 2009-12-27: sewing / knitting ?
A 2009-04-28: http://www.diceyhome.free-online.co.uk/KatePages/Learning/Useful-sewing-te...
A 2008-11-13: @ sewing zou: Thanx a ton
A 2008-10-17: sewing room > Nähzimmer
A 2008-10-17: sewing room ?
A 2008-10-17: ? sewing shop
A 2008-05-28: sewing, stitching and trim yarns
A 2008-05-12: It's the money, a housewife could earn on her own by sewing, knitting or s...
A 2006-11-17: sewing box/case
Q 2006-03-30: Sewing - Textile Dictionary?
A 2006-03-15: swing diameter (not 'sewing')

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