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English-German translation for: she
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Dictionary English German: she

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PRON  she | her | her [adj]/hers [pron] ... 
she {pron}
sie [3. Pers. Singular, Nominativ]
she- {adj}
she {pron}
es [Nominativ] [hier: auf eine weibliche Person bezogen, z. B.: es (das Mädchen, Fräulein etc.) weinte bitterlich]
she'd [she had]sie hatte
she'd [she would]sie würde
she'll [she will / shall]sie wird
she's [she has]sie hat
she's [she is]sie ist
2 Words: Others
she alonesie allein
She chose.Sie hat gewählt.
She swam.Sie ist geschwommen.
She wrote.Sie hat geschrieben.
She's adorable.Sie ist ein Schatz.
She's anybody's. [coll.]Sie lässt jeden ran. [ugs.]
She's apples. [Aus.] [coll.] [idiom]Es wird schon schiefgehen. [ugs.]
She's courting. [dated]Sie hat einen Freund.
She's fit. [Aus.] [Br.] [coll.] [sexually attractive]Sie ist heiß. [ugs.]
She's French.Sie ist Französin.
She's from ...Sie kommt aus ...
She's Italian.Sie ist Italienerin.
She's Spanish.Sie ist Spanierin.
She's thirtyish. [coll.]Sie ist so um die 30. [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Beit She'anBet Sche'an {n}
she shed [Am.] [coll.]Frauenschuppen {m} [ugs.]
she-adventurerAbenteuerin {f}
she-adventurerAbenteurerin {f}
zool. she-apeMenschenäffin {f}
zool. she-ass [archaic]Eselin {f}
zool. she-bearBärin {f}
zool. she-bearsBärinnen {pl}
zool. she-camelKamelkuh {f}
zool. she-camelKamelstute {f}
zool. she-camelsKamelkühe {pl}
zool. she-catKäterin {f} [österr.] [selten]
zool. she-catKätzin {f}
zool. she-catsKätzinnen {pl}
she-devilTeufelin {f} [ugs.]
she-devilTeufelsweib {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
zool. she-dogHündin {f}
zool. she-dogsHündinnen {pl}
zool. she-goatGeiß {f} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [weibliche Ziege]
zool. she-goatZicke {f}
zool. she-goatsZicken {pl}
myth. relig. she-godGöttin {f}
zool. she-monkeyAffenweibchen {n}
zool. she-monkeyÄffin {f}
zool. she-wolfWölfin {f}
3 Words: Others
"Ecstasy!" she sighed."Welche Wonne!", seufzte sie.
If only she ...Wenn sie doch nur / bloß ...
Is she nuts? [Am.]Ist sie durchgeknallt / verrückt?
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A 2023-11-29: she protested strongly against these suspicions
A 2023-06-08: Aber @sunfunlili: He/she/they did a bunk heißt auf Deutsch?
A 2023-05-17: as a student, she would possibly call it "ein Wisch" [pej.]
A 2022-11-14: Your 2 is possible. But she would still be talking about back then, just ...
A 2022-09-13: ... she was making change = she went to the loo?? (i.e. a coin-operate...
Q 2021-11-11: She always got her man.
Q 2021-06-25: "She proved with her study that ..."
Q 2021-06-09: queer und Pride und she/her vs. he/him
A 2020-07-10: she doesn't ask any questions and that leaves little scope for doubt
A 2019-12-16: he / she achieved 120 (course) credits of which 105 were graded credits
Q 2019-06-26: She told us everything / sie hat uns alles erzählt
A 2019-04-09: she prides herself on ...
A 2019-04-01: Just googling: https://books.google.de/books?id=XANBqMkiMsAC&pg=PT192&lpg=...
Q 2019-04-01: Maybe she's gonna live
A 2019-03-16: She/he has a centre parting.
A 2019-01-31: Hardly had I / he / she / it / we / they / {past participle}, when
A 2019-01-29: Poor Anne. She can't do anything about her looks.
A 2019-01-27: LINX NB: In English, using +she / her+ implies the personification of a ci...
A 2019-01-20: She presents (herself??) to the Emergency department
A 2019-01-18: she is noted to = es wird festgestellt, dass sie ...

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