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Dictionary English German: sheath

Translation 1 - 50 of 116  >>

English German
NOUN   a sheath | sheaths
VERB  to sheath | sheathed | sheathed ... 
SYNO   case | sheath | cocktail dress
tech. telecom. to sheath
tech. to sheath [spv.]
ummanteln [z. B. Kabel, Bewehrung]
Umhüllung {f}
weapons sheath
Scheide {f} [v. Messer, Schwert]
electr. sheath
Kabelummantelung {f}
hist. weapons sheath
Schwertscheide {f}
electr. sheath
Mantel {m}
Futteral {n}
sheath [Br.] [condom]
Kondom {n} {m}
tech. sheath
Hülse {f}
sheath [e.g. of a hypodermic needle]
Schutzkappe {f} [z. B. einer med. Kanüle]
MedTech. sheath
Schaft {m}
cloth. sheath [sheath dress]
Futteralkleid {n}
sheath [Br.] [condom]
Gummischutz {m} [veraltend]
2 Words: Nouns
weapons bayonet sheathBajonettscheide {f}
electr. cable sheathKabelmantel {m}
bot. cambial sheathKambiumscheide {f}
electr. conductor sheath [cable]Aderumhüllung {f} [Kabel]
electr. cotton sheathBaumwollmantel {m} [Kerngarn]
MedTech. cystoscopy sheathZystoskopieschaft {m}
biol. dendrite sheathDendritenscheide {f}
biol. dendritic sheathDendritenscheide {f}
dent. dentinal sheathDentinscheide {f}
dent. dentinal sheathNeumann'sche Scheide {f}
dent. dentinal sheathNeumannsche Scheide {f} [alt]
electr. tech. electrode sheathElektrodenhülle {f}
biol. gelatinous sheathGallerthülle {f}
biol. glial sheathGliascheide {f}
anat. Henle's sheathHenle-Scheide {f}
MedTech. hysteroscope sheathHysteroskopschaft {m}
MedTech. hysteroscopy sheathHysteroskopieschaft {m}
MedTech. inner sheathInnenschaft {m} [z. B. bei Chirurgieinstrumenten]
electr. inner sheath [cable]Innenmantel {m} [Kabel]
electr. intermediate sheathZwischenmantel {m} [Leitung]
MedTech. introducer sheathEinführschleuse {f}
knife sheathMesserscheide {f}
bot. leaf sheathBlattscheide {f}
leather sheathLederscheide {f}
anat. Mauthner's sheath [Axolemma]Mauthner'sche Scheide {f}
anat. Mauthner's sheath [Axolemma]Mauthnersche Scheide {f} [alt]
tech. metal sheathMetallummantelung {f}
electr. metallic sheathMetallmantel {m}
electr. metallic sheathmetallischer Mantel {m}
anat. myelin sheathMarkscheide {f}
anat. myelin sheathMyelinscheide {f}
MedTech. needle sheathNadelhülle {f}
anat. nerve sheathNervenscheide {f}
dent. Neumann's sheathNeumannsche Scheide {f} [alt]
electr. outer sheathAußenmantel {m}
MedTech. outer sheathAußenschaft {m} [z. B. bei Chirurgieinstrumenten]
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Q 2013-06-19: sheath needle, sheath meal, and ring down artifact
A 2012-07-17: in a tight, black sheath dress?
Q 2012-07-17: a slim black sheath
A 2012-06-12: ... cable, +serving+ s proof of the integrity of the cable sheath and the ...
A 2010-02-27: Etymologically, +Scheide+ and +sheath+ are the same word
A 2009-06-04: cable sheath test.
A 2009-06-03: (cable) sheath(ing) check
Q 2009-03-02: sheath dress
A 2008-10-16: cable sheath cutter for longitudinal cuts
Q 2008-03-07: contact pad and sheath
A 2007-07-31: sheath pile, sheet piling
A 2006-12-10: sheatH gas, schau mal weiter unten
A 2006-12-10: sheatH gas > Schutz/abschirmgas
A 2004-03-30: Are you prone to tenosynovitis (inflamed tendon sheath in the wrist)?

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