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English-German translation for: sheets
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Dictionary English German: sheets

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
NOUN   a sheet | sheets
sheets [bedlinen]
Laken {pl}
print publ. sheets
Blätter {pl}
sheets [bedlinen]
Betttücher {pl}
sheets [of metal]
Bleche {pl}
sheets [of paper]
Blatt {pl} <Bl.> [Papier; bei Mengen, z. B. 500 Blatt, einige Blatt]
sheets [bedlinen]
Bettücher {pl} [alt]
2 Words: Others
publ. in sheets {adv}in losen Blättern
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. baking sheetsKuchenplatten {pl} [Backbleche]
bound sheetseingebundene Blätter {pl}
calendar sheetsKalenderblätter {pl}
check sheetsFehlersammellisten {pl} [Prüfblätter]
material copper sheetsKupferbleche {pl}
damp sheetsfeuchte Leintücher {pl}
data sheetsDatenblätter {pl}
double sheets {pl}Bettbezug {m}
dryer sheetsTrocknertücher {pl}
textil. fitted sheetsSpannbettlaken {pl}
hist. lit. print fugitive sheetsfliegende Blätter {pl}
gastr. lasagna sheetsLasagneblätter {pl}
gastr. lasagna sheetsLasagneplatten {pl}
gastr. lasagne sheetsLasagneblätter {pl}
gastr. lasagne sheetsLasagneplatten {pl}
spec. log sheetsLogblätter {pl}
metal sheetsBleche {f}
fin. pass sheetsKontoauszug {m}
journ. scandal sheetsSkandalblätter {pl}
single sheets [of paper]Einzelblätter {pl}
stamped sheetsStempelbögen {pl}
naut. sports stern sheets {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] [also: stern-sheets, sternsheets]Achterplicht {f}
tech. survey sheetsÜbersichtsblätter {pl}
3 Words: Others
between the sheets {adv}im Bett
3 Words: Verbs
to change the sheetsdie Laken wechseln
to change the sheetsdas Bett neu überziehen
ind. material to roll into sheetszu Blech walzen
3 Words: Nouns
publ. book in sheetsungebundenes Buch {n}
comp. cascading style sheets <CSS>kaskadierte Stylesheets {pl}
geol. polar ice sheetspolare Eismassen {pl}
tech. product data sheetsProduktdatenblätter {pl} <PDB>
sheets of iceEisdecken {pl}
mus. sheets of musicNotenblätter {pl}
sheets of paperPapierbögen {pl}
stack of sheets [metal]Blechpaket {n}
4 Words: Others
Rain fell in sheets.Es goss in Strömen. [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
archi. constr. fixing of cladding sheetsEinbau {m} der Wandverkleidung
math. hyperboloid of two sheetszweischaliges Hyperboloid {n}
5+ Words: Others
EU Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions / safety data sheets. [safety phrase S61]Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. Besondere Anweisungen einholen / Sicherheitsdatenblatt zu Rate ziehen. [Sicherheitssatz S61]
meteo. The rain was coming down in sheets.Es regnete in Strömen.
meteo. The rain was coming down in sheets. [idiom]Es schüttete wie aus Kübeln. [Idiom] [südd.] [österr.]
three sheets to the wind {adj} [idiom]stark betrunken
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to be three sheets to the wind [old-fashioned]ordentlich / gut einen im Tee haben [ugs.]
idiom to be three sheets to the wind [old-fashioned] [idiom]gut einen in der Krone haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom to be three sheets to the wind [old-fashioned] [idiom]ordentlich einen in der Krone haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put clean sheets on a bedein Bett beziehen
to put clean sheets on a bedein Bett frisch beziehen
5+ Words: Nouns
tech. stainless steel sheets with patterned finishdessinierte Edelstahlbleche {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F In Between the Sheets [Ian McEwan]Zwischen den Laken
lit. F The Life And Opinions Of the Tomcat Murr together with a fragmentary Biography of Kapellmeister Johannes Kreisler on Random Sheets of Waste PaperLebens-Ansichten des Katers Murr nebst fragmentarischer Biographie des Kapellmeisters Johannes Kreisler in zufälligen Makulaturblättern [E.T.A. Hoffmann]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. gastr. T
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Q 2018-08-22: product quality data sheets
A 2018-06-04: Maybe 4 photocopied / printed sheets from the BBl: Pages 501, 502, 503, 504 ??
Q 2017-02-07: sheets superglued to the surface of the bed
A 2016-10-10: Das da? ... sheets
Q 2016-10-10: Nori-Blätter - nori sheets oder nori blades?
A 2015-10-13: Furthermore, in accordance with the REACH Regulation safety data sheets ar...
A 2015-02-17: whole sheets of glass
A 2015-01-15: Who likes all that white space on title sheets.
A 2014-10-17: I see, leaves in the sense of sheets of paper
A 2014-10-05: BE - two or three sheets ;-)
A 2014-10-05: Or their sheets are smaller. :-)
A 2014-10-05: 3 vs. 4 sheets to the wind
A 2014-10-05: Sheets
A 2014-10-05: three sheets
A 2014-10-05: Four sheets to the wind
A 2012-07-07: commemorative cards/sheets
A 2012-04-30: stamina (between the sheets / in bed) - even +erectile stamina+ if the poi...
A 2011-10-06: Uch, those horrible American sheets!!!
A 2011-07-19: "between the sheets"
A 2011-06-07: His brother Wilhelm, though, was overheard muttering in his tomb that univ...

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