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English-German translation for: shelf
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Dictionary English German: shelf

Translation 1 - 50 of 186  >>

English German
NOUN   a shelf | shelves
SYNO   ledge | shelf
furn. shelf
Bücherregal {n}
furn. shelf
Ablage {f}
furn. shelf
Fach {n} [im Regal]
geol. shelf [under water]
Riff {n} [Felsenriff]
furn. shelf
Bord {n}
furn. shelf
Brett {n} [für Bücher, Gewürze etc.]
furn. shelf
Regalbrett {n}
furn. shelf
Bücherbrett {n}
furn. shelf
Regalfach {n}
furn. shelf
Einlegeboden {m}
shelf [wire rack shelf in a refrigerator]
Rost {m} [Gitterrost]
furn. shelf
Boden {m} [z. B. Einlegeboden in einem Schrank]
tech. shelf
Einschub {m} [in einem Gehäuse]
furn. shelf
Bordbrett {n}
geogr. shelf
Schelf {m} {n} [Festlandsockel]
furn. shelf [of a rack, bookshelf etc.]
Regalboden {m} [Fach eines Regals]
shelfFachboden {m}
furn. shelfTablar {n} [schweiz.]
2 Words: Others
FoodInd. shelf-stable {adj}haltbar [nicht leicht verderbend]
publ. top-shelf {adj} [magazine] [Br.]pornographisch [Zeitschrift]
top-shelf {adj} [also: top shelf] [Am.] [of a high quality, excellent]von bester Qualität [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
furn. (wall) shelfWandbord {n}
furn. (wall) shelfWandbrett {n}
automot. back shelfHeckablage {f}
automot. back shelfHutablage {f} [Heckablage]
geogr. Barents ShelfBarentsschelf {n}
furn. book shelfBücherstellage {f} [österr.] [veraltet]
furn. book-shelfBücherregal {n}
bottom shelfunteres Brett {n}
furn. bracket shelfWandbrett {n}
geogr. continental shelfFestlandsockel {m}
geogr. continental shelfFestlandssockel {m} [seltener]
geogr. continental shelfKontinentalschelf {m} {n}
geogr. continental shelfKontinentalsockel {m}
FoodInd. cooling shelfKühlregal {n}
furn. corner shelfEckregal {n}
furn. deep shelftiefes Regal {n}
floating shelfHängeregal {n} [ohne sichtbare Aufhängevorrichtungen]
flower shelfBlumenbrett {n}
furn. glass shelfGlasablage {f}
goods shelfWarenregal {n}
furn. grocery shelfLebensmittelregal {n}
geol. ice shelfEisschelf {n} [auch {m}]
geogr. ice shelfSchelfeis {n}
tech. intermediate shelfZwischenboden {m}
furn. kitchen shelfKüchenregal {n}
locker shelfFachboden {m} für Spinde
anat. medial shelf [Plica mediopatellaris]Plica mediopatellaris {f} [Schleimhautfalte auf der Rückseite der Kniescheibe]
geol. Norwegian shelfnorwegischer Sockel {m}
automot. rear shelfHutablage {f}
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A 2023-11-11: Was mit 'reserve' hab ich auch gefunden: reserve shelf
A 2023-07-18: A variant: Past its shelf life.
A 2022-11-03: probably: [any figure] lfm = [Zahl] laufende Meter - [any figure] she...
A 2020-02-04: shelf company = Vorratsgesellschaft
A 2020-02-04: shelf company
A 2019-02-11: shelf company
Q 2015-03-12: open shelf library
A 2015-01-23: Usually parcel shelf -
A 2014-09-23: Where's the +condiment station condiment shelf?+ Where is it?
Q 2014-04-01: shelf prospectus
A 2013-03-23: the shelf life of a Twinkie
A 2012-06-24: Tippfehler: +wird+ bauseits ... > cross members / shelf cross-bars will be...
A 2011-09-15: We got on so well, but I had hardly left the room when the devious cat pul...
A 2011-08-15: Sockel ~ Kontinentalsockel ~ Schelf > shelf / norwegischer Sockel > Norweg...
A 2011-03-01: including shelf space
A 2011-03-01: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22sorting+shelf%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&r...
Q 2011-03-01: Ordnungsregal vielleicht: sorting shelf??
A 2010-04-24: off the shelf price
A 2009-11-20: humorous or slightly derogatory? 'I-love-me-shelf / I-love-me-room'
A 2009-11-08: no, it's just "underneath" the counter, maybe on a shelf or in a drawer,

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