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English-German translation for: shells
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Dictionary English German: shells

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

English German
NOUN   a shell | shells
VERB  to shell | shelled | shelled
shelling | shells
zool. shells
Muscheln {pl} [Muschelschalen]
Schalen {pl}
Granaten {pl}
zool. shells
Panzer {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
mil. weapons artillery shellsArtilleriegeschosse {pl}
zool. calcite shellsKalkschalen {pl} [von Muscheln, Schnecken]
coconut shellsKokosnussschalen {pl}
cowry shellsKaurimuscheln {pl}
egg shellsEierschalen {pl}
bot. hazelnut shellsHaselnussschalen {pl}
mil. mortar shellsMörsergranaten {pl}
gastr. patty shellsPastetchen {pl}
snail shellsSchneckenhäuser {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (stuffed) pasta shells(gefüllte) Muschelnudeln {pl}
hist. mil. blue-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent]Blaukreuzgranaten {pl} [Nasen- und Rachenkampfstoff]
cone shells (Toxoglossa)Kugelschnecken {pl}
hist. mil. green-cross shells [World War I; artillery shells with pulmonary agents]Grünkreuzgranaten {pl}
mil. shortage of shellsGranatenmangel {m}
hist. mil. white-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent]Weißkreuzgranaten {pl}
hist. mil. weapons yellow-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent; sulfur mustard]Gelbkreuzgranaten {pl}
5+ Words: Verbs
to pick up shells on the beachMuscheln am Strand sammeln
5+ Words: Nouns
games three shells and a pea (game)Hütchenspiel {n}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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zool. T
zool. T
curr. zool. T
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zool. T
Abalonen {pl}
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
Seeohren {pl}
zool. T
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zool. T
zool. T
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Q 2012-11-09: Wie sagt man "taco shells" auf Deutsch?
Q 2011-10-18: Shells in der Finanzwirtschaft? Danke!
A 2010-11-02: pie shells
Q 2010-09-14: concentric shells
A 2010-03-10: +shell+ ist eine Art +Träger+ / advisory and legal shells > Beratungs- und...
Q 2010-03-06: Shells
A 2009-06-16: ? http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22sedentary+habit%22+shells&btnG...
A 2009-06-16: Shells/scallops living on rocks?
A 2007-07-16: wooden bearing shells
A 2007-07-11: shaped wood shells
A 2007-02-23: third try (sorry Wolfgang Gottlieb): http://faculty.kirkwood.edu/ryost/ste...
A 2007-02-23: http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.kirkwood.cc.ia.us/faculty...
A 2006-11-15: pasta shells?
A 2006-05-09: razor shells:
A 2003-01-29: baby shells

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