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Dictionary English German: shoes

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NOUN   a shoe | shoes
VERB  to shoe | shod | shod
shoeing | shoes
SYNO   place | shoes
cloth. shoes
Schuhe {pl}
cloth. shoes
Schuh {pl} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
without shoes {adj} {adv}schuhlos
without shoes {adj} {adv}ohne Schuhe
2 Words: Verbs
to black shoesSchuhe wichsen [mit schwarzer Schuhwichse]
to clean sb.'s shoesjds. Schuhe putzen
idiom to fill sb.'s shoesan jds. Stelle treten
to mend shoesSchuhe reparieren
to polish shoesSchuhe putzen
to polish shoesSchuhe wichsen
to scrape shoesSchuhe abkratzen
to stretch shoesSchuhe ausweiten
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. (big) shoesQuanten {pl} [ugs.] [Schuhe]
cloth. sports athletic shoesSportschuhe {pl}
cloth. baby shoesBabyschuhe {pl}
cloth. dance ballet shoesBallettschuhe {pl}
cloth. bast shoes {pl}Strohschuhe {pl}
cloth. bespoke shoesMaßschuhe {pl}
bike bike shoes [coll.]Fahrradschuhe {pl}
bike bike shoes [coll.]Radschuhe {pl}
cloth. black shoesschwarze Schuhe {pl}
cloth. boat shoesBootsschuhe {pl}
cloth. brown shoes[meist allgemein: Straßenschuhe, keine Sportschuhe]
cloth. buckled shoesSchnallenschuhe {pl}
cloth. canvas shoesLeinenschuhe {pl}
cement shoes [coll.]Betonschuhe {pl} [ugs.]
cloth. child's shoesKinderschuhe {pl}
cloth. clean shoesgeputzte Schuhe {pl}
cloth. clown shoesClownschuhe {pl}
cloth. comfortable shoesTreter {pl}
cloth. court shoes [Br.]Pumps {pl}
cloth. crib shoesWiegenschuhe {pl} [selten] [Babyschuhe]
custom shoesMaßschuhe {pl}
cloth. dance dancing shoesTanzschuhe {pl}
cloth. naut. deck shoesDeckschuhe {pl}
toys doll shoes [child's toy]Puppenschühchen {pl}
cloth. elevator shoesErhöhungsschuhe {pl}
cloth. favorite shoes [Am.]Lieblingsschuhe {pl}
cloth. favourite shoes [Br.]Lieblingsschuhe {pl}
cloth. sports football shoes [Br.]Fußballschuhe {pl}
cloth. fur shoesPelzschuhe {pl}
cloth. gardening shoesGartenschuhe {pl}
comm. gents' shoes [Br.]Herrenschuhe {pl}
cloth. girls' shoesMädchenschuhe {pl}
sports gym shoesSportschuhe {pl}
cloth. sports gym shoesTurnschuhe {pl}
sports gymnastics shoesGymnastikschuhe {pl}
cloth. sports gymnastics shoesTurnschläppchen {pl}
cloth. hemp shoesHanfschuhe {pl}
cloth. house shoesHausschuhe {pl}
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Q 2022-08-13: In today's Independent: "... shoes appear to be dropping fast." - Meaning?
A 2021-12-15: "Think in their shoes"
A 2021-10-10: Buckle my shoes
A 2021-10-09: T-bar shoes?
A 2017-06-06: Shoes
Q 2017-02-24: encrusted shoes
A 2016-06-17: Nike Air Jordan 4s, probably (other basketball shoes are available ;-) )
Q 2015-12-27: Do I need to take off my shoes?
A 2015-12-27: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22warm+winter+shoes%22
A 2015-05-14: Is it the shoes? ??
Q 2015-02-23: had been waiting for the dead man's shoes.
A 2015-01-02: walking to school wearing wooden shoes
A 2014-09-05: The neat reply is: just shoes, sandals etc. So socks or stockings are out,...
A 2014-01-02: Cheap and good quality soccer shoes 2013
A 2013-09-26: Even good will / special favour, to step into these shoes were quite out ...
A 2013-08-15: Where to get a pair of wonerfull soccer shoes?
A 2013-02-27: Red shoes
A 2013-01-26: und zur Vervollständigung: Zwei Paar Schuhe - two pairs of shoes
A 2012-10-04: Kept in shoes means that she needs to be supplied with all the shoes she (...
Q 2012-10-04: to be kept in shoes

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