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English-German translation for: shoots
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Dictionary English German: shoots

Translation 1 - 17 of 17

English German
NOUN   a shoot | shoots
VERB  to shoot | shot | shot
shooting | shoots
sb. shoots
jd. schießt
sb. shootsjd. erschießt
bot. shoots
Triebe {pl}
bot. shoots
Sprösslinge {pl}
film shootsDreharbeiten {pl}
2 Words
sth. shoots out [fluid, gas, etc.]etw. saut raus [ugs.] [südd.] [bei Flüssigem oder Gasförmigem: quillt plötzlich hervor, schießt heraus]
bot. to sprout shootsKeime treiben
to sprout shoots [also fig.]Triebe schlagen [auch fig.]
bot. bamboo shootsBambussprossen {pl}
bot. hort. new shootsjunge Triebe {pl}
gastr. pea shootsErbsensprossen {pl}
photo. photo shootsFotoaufnahmen {pl}
bot. side shootsSeitentriebe {pl}
bot. spruce shootsFichtentriebe {pl}
3 Words
hort. to pinch out shootsTriebe ausgeizen [z. B. von Tomatenpflanzen]
hort. number of shootsTriebzahl {f}
4 Words
econ. green shoots (of recovery)erste Anzeichen {pl} einer Erholung
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Q 2015-12-17: Eats shoots and leaves...
A 2013-09-24: if (say) a lettuce runs to seed, it shoots up (it "bolts") , starts flower...
A 2013-02-06: he shoots, he scores. ;-) Michael saves the day again.
A 2012-09-14: Eats, Shoots & Leaves
A 2011-06-20: Eats, Shoots, and Leaves
A 2011-03-03: parker shoots, parker scores :-)
A 2011-01-10: In basket weaving, it's the "stripping or removal of bark, shoots and leaves."
A 2010-01-29: read on - Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss - the zero tolerance a...
A 2009-07-19: You may be right here, women and sprouting shoots don't work, it's rather ...
A 2009-04-14: shoots a photo of him, embraces him in a hot tub for 5 minutes?
A 2008-04-21: tiny correction, can't resist: Eats, Shoots and Leaves :-)
A 2008-03-07: @ Baccalaureus: Lynn Truss; Eats, Shoots & Leaves
A 2007-09-28: something is stirring / some fresh shoots are emerging
A 2006-08-18: to develop shoots
Q 2005-09-06: talking about a studio for photo shoots
A 2004-05-05: you mean: eats, shoots, and leaves...surely
A 2004-05-04: see, eats, leaves and shoots
A 2003-12-12: eats shoots leaves
Q 2003-12-12: panda eats/shoots/leaves

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