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English-German translation for: shopping
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Dictionary English German: shopping

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NOUN   shopping | -
VERB  to shop | shopped | shopped
shopping | shops
NOUN   das Shopping | -
shopping {adj} {pres-p}
shopping [buying goods]
Einkaufen {n}
shopping {sg} [items bought]
Einkäufe {pl}
shopping [buying goods]
Shopping {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to go shoppingeinholen gehen [ugs.]
to go shoppingeinkaufen gehen
to go shoppingposten gehen [schweiz., regional, mundartl.] [einkaufen gehen]
to go shoppingshoppen gehen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
archi. comm. urban (shopping) arcadeEinkaufspassage {f}
archi. comm. (shopping) arcadePassage {f} [Einkaufspassage]
(shopping) carriage [Am.]Einkaufswagen {m}
Internet (shopping) cart [(with) icon]Warenkorb {m} [(mit) Icon eines Einkaufswagens]
comm. urban (shopping) plaza [esp. Am.]Einkaufszentrum {n} <EKZ>
armchair shoppingEinkaufen {n} von zu Hause aus
cashless shoppingbargeldloses Einkaufen {n}
Christmas shoppingWeihnachtseinkauf {m}
Christmas shopping {sg} [items bought]Weihnachtseinkäufe {pl}
psych. compulsive shoppingkrankhafte Kauflust {f}
daily shoppingtäglicher Einkauf {m}
doctor shopping [coll.] [double doctoring]Ärztehopping {n} [ugs.] [auch: Ärzte-Hopping]
electronic shoppingElectronic Shopping {n}
electronic shoppingelektronisches Einkaufen {n}
law forum shopping[(manipulierte) Wahl des für den Kläger günstigen Gerichtsstandes]
holiday shopping {sg} [items bought]Urlaubseinkäufe {pl}
comm. mystery shoppingTestkauf {m}
comm. Internet online shoppingOnlineeinkauf {m} [auch: Online-Einkauf]
comm. Internet online shoppingOnlineshopping {n}
comm. Internet online shoppingEinkaufen {n} übers Internet
psych. shopping addictionKaufsucht {f}
Unverified shopping analysisShopping-Analyse
comm. shopping areaEinkaufsbereich {m}
shopping areaEinkaufsviertel {n}
comm. shopping areaEinkaufszone {f}
shopping areaLadengebiet {n}
shopping areaShoppingmeile {f}
shopping bagEinkaufsbeutel {m}
shopping bagEinkaufstasche {f}
shopping bagEinkaufstüte {f}
shopping bagsEinkaufstaschen {pl}
shopping basketEinkaufskorb {m}
shopping basketWarenkorb {m}
shopping behavior [Am.]Einkaufsverhalten {n}
shopping behaviour [Br.]Einkaufsverhalten {n}
shopping bingeKaufrausch {m}
urban shopping boulevardEinkaufsboulevard {m}
shopping cart [Am.]Einkaufswagen {m}
shopping cart [Am.]Einkaufswagerl {n} [österr.] [südd.]
shopping cart [Am.] [with two wheels and a stand]Karrette {f} [schweiz.] [Einkaufswagen]
shopping cartsEinkaufswagen {pl}
comm. shopping center [Am.]Einkaufszentrum {n} <EKZ>
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Q 2023-08-21: Looking for an English translation: Charity Shopping
A 2019-11-15: +Christmas+ backwards to forwards +massive shopping+
A 2017-06-12: I meant: shopping malls
A 2016-12-28: Google Deutschland shopping ..... alles scheint möglich zu sein ....
Q 2016-01-09: rank form shopping
A 2015-08-17: Falls die Elemente "shopping" und "street" umgangen werden sollte, käme vi...
A 2015-08-17: Was stört an "pedestrian shopping street"?
Q 2015-08-17: Fußgängerzone as a shopping location, US English
A 2015-03-19: Let's go shoe shopping
A 2015-01-16: shopping frenzy = Einkaufswahn / Kaufwahn
A 2014-10-17: shopping helper or assistant
A 2014-10-12: messages, shopping ...
A 2013-08-08: Shopping center and shopping mall are pretty much the same thing, so I'd c...
Q 2013-08-08: strip mall, shopping center, shopping mall
Q 2013-07-06: Submit (z.B. beim Internet-Shopping)
A 2012-12-09: http://shopping-trend.de/fuerihn/das-hemd-aus-viskose/
A 2012-11-26: Shopping spree
Q 2012-11-26: Großeinkauf / shopping spree & CO
A 2012-10-13: I will continue shopping on Monday.
Q 2012-10-11: shopping list approach

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