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English-German translation for: shore
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Dictionary English German: shore

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NOUN   a shore | shores
VERB1  to shear | sheared/shore | shorn/sheared ... 
VERB2  to shore | shored | shored ... 
SYNO   shore | shoring | to prop ... 
sb. shore [archaic, except Aus. and NZ]
jd. schor
Küste {f} [Ufer]
Ufer {n}
Strand {m} [Seeufer]
Stützbalken {m}
Stütze {f} [seitlich, gegen Umkippen]
constr. shore [brace, stay]
Strebe {f}
shoreMeeressaum {m}
2 Words: Others
naut. along shore {adv}entlang der Küste
near-shore {adj} [attr.]ufernah
off shore {adv}vor der Küste
on shore {adv}an Land
naut. shore-based {adj}landseitig
2 Words: Verbs
to reach shoredas Ufer erreichen
to shore sb./sth. upjdn./etw. unterstützen
to shore sth. upetw.Akk. abstützen
to shore sth. upetw.Akk. verstärken
to shore up sth. [to support] [also fig.]etw.Akk. stützen [auch fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
hydro. abrasion shoreAbbruchküste {f}
geol. abrasion shoreAbrasionsküste {f}
dagger shoreStopper {m} [Stapellaufschlitten]
geogr. eastern shoreOstküste {f}
eastern shore [of lake]Ostufer {n}
naut. lee shoreLeeküste {f}
geogr. Mediterranean shoreMittelmeerufer {n}
north shoreNordufer {n}
geogr. north shore [north coast]Nordküste {f}
geogr. northern shoreNordküste {f}
ocean shoreMeeresküste {f}
ocean shoreOzeanküste {f}
geogr. Pacific shorePazifikküste {f}
ecol. polluted shoreverschmutzter Strand {m}
river shoreFlussufer {n}
rocky shoreFelsenküste {f}
rocky shoreFelsenufer {n}
geogr. rocky shoreFelsküste {f}
rocky shorefelsiges Ufer {n}
geogr. sandy shoreSandküste {f}
sandy shoreSandstrand {m}
sea shoreMeergestade {n} [geh.]
sea shoreSeeküste {f}
geogr. shingly shoreKiesküste {f}
shore batteryKüstenbatterie {f}
naut. shore connectionLandanschluss {m}
gastr. shore dinner {sg} [Am.]Meeresfrüchte {pl} [Mahlzeit]
travel shore excursion [during a cruise]Landausflug {m} [während einer Kreuzfahrt]
tech. shore hardnessShorehärte {f}
phys. Shore hardness [also: shore hardness]Shore-Härte {f} [auch: Shorehärte]
geogr. shore lakeUfersee {m}
geogr. shore landscapeKüstenlandschaft {f}
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A 2022-05-16: no, I was thinking of "shore" in a sense of "a supporting prop" or as in "...
A 2018-04-05: Western shore ...
Q 2014-07-21: shore up his base
Q 2013-01-31: creeping shore
Q 2011-04-19: shore up friends / familiar song?
A 2010-05-04: I'd say "just off the shore..."
Q 2009-11-25: Completed transfer as planned of all +high volume product test + to off- s...
A 2009-06-10: off-shore ist alles, was nicht on-shore ist, eben auch die Küstennähe.
A 2009-06-10: off-shore ??
A 2009-05-23: "In 1992 he get his first act in the Australian soap ‘Clowning Around’, th...
A 2008-12-09: Vielleicht hat sie auch schon mal was von "Off-shore-Kraftwerken" gehört.
A 2008-11-20: To approach the shore by 500m
A 2008-07-14: shore line
A 2007-11-07: Come ashore - for new projects and endeavours? Oder 'Come to shore ...=
A 2007-06-30: off-shore industry
Q 2007-06-30: off-shore industry
Q 2006-07-07: where the waves lap on the shore
A 2004-10-19: Laying telecom cables off-shore
Q 2003-11-26: pebble / shore

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