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English-German translation for: short-legged
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Dictionary English German: short legged

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short-legged {adj}kurzbeinig
entom. T
entom. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
Partial Matches
econ. fin. short fiscal year <short FY>Rumpfjahr {n} [Rumpfgeschäftsjahr]
RealEst. short sales [US real estate]Short-Sale-Immobilien {pl} [US-amerik. Markt]
film F Short Order [Anthony Byrne]Short Order - Das Leben ist ein Buffet
zool. T
traffic transp. short distance / short-distance public transport [Br.]öffentlicher Personennahverkehr {m} <ÖPNV>
lit. F The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine [Michael Lewis]The Big Short: Wie eine Handvoll Trader die Welt verzockte
-legged {adj}-beinig
bandy-legged {adj}krummbeinig
bare-legged {adj}nacktbeinig
bow-legged {adj}krummbeinig
entom. eight-legged {adj}achtbeinig
zool. four-legged {adj}vierbeinig
long-legged {adj}hochbeinig
long-legged {adj}langbeinig
many-legged {adj}vielbeinig
one-legged {adj}einbeinig
spindle-legged {adj}storchbeinig
stiff-legged {adj}steifbeinig
straddle-legged {adj}breitbeinig
three-legged {adj}dreibeinig
two-legged {adj}zweibeinig
tech. legged robotLaufroboter {m}
baker-legged {adj}x-beinig
bow-legged {adj}säbelbeinig [ugs.]
cross-legged {adj} {adv}im Schneidersitz
spider-legged {adj}spinnbeinig [selten]
zool. four-legged animalsVierbeiner {pl}
games sports three-legged raceDreibeinlauf {m}
furn. three-legged stoolDreibeinhocker {m}
med. short QT syndrome <SQTS>Short-QT-Syndrom {n} <SQTS> [kurzes QT-Syndrom]
bare-legged {adj} {adv}mit nackten Beinen
shaky-legged {adv}mit zitternden Beinen
four-legged friendvierbeiniger Freund {m}
long-legged blondelangbeinige Blondine {f}
furn. three-legged stoolDreibein {n} [Hocker]
furn. three-legged stoolDreifuß {m} [Hocker]
bull-legged {adj} [coll.] [bow-legged]krummbeinig
stilt-legged {adj} [stiff-legged]stelzbeinig [steif]
sports to be heavy-leggedschwere Beine haben
to sit cross-leggedim Schneidersitz sitzen
to sit cross-leggedim Türkensitz sitzen
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
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