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English-German translation for: short-term
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Dictionary English German: short term

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ADJ   short-term | shorter-term | shortest-term
SYNO   short-run | short-term
short-term {adj}befristet
short-term {adj}kurzfristig
short-term {adj}Kurzzeit-
short-term {adj}kurzzeitig
short termkurze Frist {f}
short termkurze Laufzeit {f}
pol. short-term political {adj}tagespolitisch
short-term unemployed {adj}kurzzeitarbeitslos
short-term accommodationKurzzeitunterkunft {f}
short-term analysisKurzzeitanalyse {f}
med. short-term antibiosisKurzzeitantibiose {f}
acc. fin. short-term assets {pl}Umlaufvermögen {n}
med. short-term careKurzzeitpflege {f}
fin. short-term creditKurzzeitkredit {m}
short-term effectKurzzeiteffekt {m}
short-term effectsKurzzeitauswirkungen {pl}
short-term endorsementKurzindossament {n}
med. sports short-term exerciseKurzzeitbelastung {f}
med. short-term fastingKurzzeitfasten {n}
med. short-term infusionKurzzeitinfusion {f}
short-term loanKurzausleihe {f}
fin. short-term loanKurzzeitdarlehen {n}
tech. short-term measurementKurzzeitmessung {f}
short-term objectiveNahziel {n}
short-term operationKurzzeitbetrieb {m}
aviat. tech. short-term outputKurzleistung {f}
traffic short-term parkerKurzparker {m}
biol. short-term plasticityKurzzeitplastizität {f}
short-term rangeKurzzeitbereich {m}
short-term solutionKurzfristlösung {f}
short-term stayKurzaufenthalt {m}
comp. short-term storageKurzzeitspeicherung {f}
med. psych. short-term therapyKurztherapie {f}
short-term thresholdKurzzeitgrenzwert {m}
travel short-term travellerKurzurlauber {m}
short-termauf kurze Sicht
short term moneyschnelles Geld {n}
fin. short-term borrowingkurzfristige Verschuldung {f}
comm. jobs short-term contractbefristeter Vertrag {m}
short-term creditkurzfristiger Kredit {m}
short-term debtkurzfristige Verschuldung {f}
fin. short-term depositkurzfristige Einlage {f}
short-term effectskurzfristige Auswirkungen {pl}
short-term financingkurzfristige Finanzierung {f}
short-term goalskurzfristige Ziele {pl}
short-term indebtednesskurzfristige Verschuldung {f}
comm. fin. stocks short-term investmentkurzfristige Anlage {f}
fin. short-term investmentskurzfristige Einlagen {pl}
short-term lendingkurzfristige Ausleihung {f}
short-term letbefristetes Mietverhältnis {n}
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A 2014-02-11: in the short term
A 2013-09-24: short term goals ?
A 2011-07-11: "short term" could easily be confused with "temporary"
A 2011-07-11: I am available to take a new job in the short term.
A 2010-02-23: short term / long term
A 2009-12-14: Besser:short term let
A 2009-09-02: The usual U.S. classified ad short term for schwerblech's good suggestions...
A 2009-06-23: SHORT TERM deposits made in the London moneymarket ???
A 2008-10-14: in the short term
A 2008-08-13: short term?
A 2008-04-01: Kurzzeitpflege - short term care. Possibly also respite care,
A 2007-10-03: It seems to be some sort of short term US visa to allow agricultural worke...
A 2007-04-20: Short term insurance and export insurance!
Q 2007-01-27: Stellenbörse - is there a short term for this in English?
A 2006-11-23: I think it may be referring to short term use of temporary staff rather than
A 2006-03-23: ? in the short run / over the short term / at short notice
A 2005-07-18: There would be no unified G8 stance on this.... in the short term

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