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English-German translation for: shortening
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Dictionary English German: shortening

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
NOUN   shortening | shortenings
VERB  to shorten | shortened | shortened
shortening | shortens
gastr. shortening
Backfett {n}
constr. med. tech. shortening
Verkürzung {f}
Kürzung {f}
Kürzen {n}
ling. shorteningKurzwortbildung {f}
2 Words
by shortening {adv}durch Verkürzung
life-shortening {adj}lebensverkürzend
med. leg shorteningBeinverkürzung {f}
med. QT shorteningVerkürzung {f} des QT-Intervalls
anat. sarcomere shorteningSarkomerverkürzung {f}
MedTech. shortening compensationVerkürzungsausgleich {m}
mus. string shortening [on string instruments]Saitenverkürzung {f} [bei Saiteninstrumenten]
biol. telomere shorteningTelomerverkürzung {f}
3 Words
electr. aerial shortening capacitor [Br.]Antennenverkürzungskondensator {m}
electr. antenna shortening capacitor [Am.]Antennenverkürzungskondensator {m}
shortening (of) lifeLebensabkürzung {f}
med. shortening hospital staysVerweildauerverkürzungen {pl} [im Krankenhaus]
4 Words
med. shortening length of stay <shortening LOS>Verweildauerverkürzung {f} [Krankenhaus, Reha usw.]
engin. tech. shortening of (the) downtimeStandzeitverkürzung {f} [Stillstandszeitverkürzung]
relig. shortening of the daysAbnahme {f} der Tage
5+ Words
med. injection of a bolus of a T1-shortening contrast agentInjektion {f} eines T1-verkürzenden Kontrastmittelbolus
educ. shortening of the period of apprenticeshipLehrzeitverkürzung {f}
med. surgical shortening of the Achilles tendonoperative Achillessehnenverkürzung {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
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A 2020-10-09: Also +shortening of the front line+
A 2015-07-04: The sense of it, but needs shortening.
A 2013-07-09: Shortening
Q 2013-07-09: shortening - another question for US speakers
A 2012-03-08: mill = something average, shortening of 'run of the mill'. (?)
A 2010-09-10: Hmm... Also, wenn da steht, man solle keine Butter nehmen, sondern "shortening",
A 2010-09-10: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shortening
Q 2010-09-10: Was genau ist "shortening"? Margarine? Palmin?
Q 2010-02-06: Shortening would/had + punctuation if-clauses
A 2010-01-17: Correction: +keins+ is only a shortening of the neuter nominative / accusa...
A 2010-01-10: vegetable +shortening+ > pflanzliches Fett / Pflanzenfett
A 2008-10-29: I assume this is an American recipe (shortening and heavy cream give it away),
A 2008-10-28: alles richtig! almond extract ist mandelaroma, vanille sollst du einen tee...
A 2008-10-12: a shortening supply and an increasing demand
A 2007-04-15: not sure about the shortening
A 2006-08-17: What can I do to make you answer me? Probably the solution is "shortening"...:)
A 2005-10-19: die Reduzierung auf einen Termin = shortening the seminar to one day?
Q 2005-08-12: I am hanging on to the shortening tether.
A 2005-06-15: streamlining operations (fig.), shortening the front line (literally)

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shortening (of) life
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