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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: shortness
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Dictionary English German: shortness

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
NOUN   a shortness | shortnesses
SYNO   shortness | truncation | abruptness ... 
Kürze {f}
Unzulänglichkeit {f}
Mangel {m}
Knappheit {f}
shortnessGedrängtheit {f}
shortnessgeringe Körpergröße {f}
3 Words
shortness of breathAtemlosigkeit {f}
med. shortness of breathAtemnot {f}
med. shortness of breathKurzatmigkeit {f}
med. shortness of breath [dyspnea]Atembeklemmung {f}
med. shortness of breath [dyspnoea]Schweratmigkeit {f} [Dyspnoe]
med. shortness of breath <SOB>Luftnot {f}
shortness of daysKürze {f} der Tage
shortness of memorySchwäche {f} des Gedächtnisses
shortness of moneyGeldknappheit {f}
shortness of provisionsMangel {m} an Vorräten
shortness of replySchroffheit {f} der Antwort
shortness of suppliesLieferengpass {m}
shortness of suppliesLieferschwierigkeiten {pl}
shortness of suppliesMangel {m} an Angeboten
shortness of suppliesMangel {m} an Nachschub
shortness of timeKürze {f} der Zeit
4 Words
shortness of a journeyKürze {f} einer Reise
5+ Words
med. cough, sputum production and shortness of breathAHA-Symptome {pl} [Auswurf, Husten, Atemnot]
med. shortness of breath at restAtemnot {f} in Ruhe
shortness of the time leftKürze {f} der verbliebenen Zeit
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• shortness
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shortness of breath
shortness of breath at rest
shortness of days
shortness of memory
shortness of money
shortness of provisions
shortness of reply
shortness of supplies
shortness of the time left

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