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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: should
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Dictionary English German: should

Translation 1 - 50 of 192  >>

English German
sb. should
jd. sollte
[we/they/you] should
[wir/sie/Sie] sollten
sb. should
jd. würde
[you] should
[du] solltest
[we/they/you] should
[wir/sie/Sie] würden
[you] should [said to two or more people]
[ihr] solltet
sb./sth. should've [should have]jd./etw. hätte sollen
2 Words: Others
[they] should specify[sie] sollten angeben
sb./sth. should havejd./etw. hätte sollen
sb./sth. should of [WRONG for: sb./sth. should have] [jd./etw. hätte sollen]
sth. should read [should be read as]etw. sollte heißen
3 Words: Others
[they] should be conducted[sie] sollten durchgeführt werden
[they] should be excluded[sie] sollten ausgeschlossen werden
[they] should clearly indicate[sie] sollen eindeutig angeben
as one should {adv}schicklich
I should coco. [sl.] [hum.]Das wollt ich meinen! [hum.]
I should cocoa! [Br.] [sl.] [idiom] [expression of emphatic agreement][Äußerung der leidenschaftlichen Zustimmung]
I should cocoa! [Br.] [sl.] [idiom] [ironic expression of disbelief or derision][ironische Äußerung der Skepsis oder des Hohnes]
I should know. [idiom]Da kann ich mitreden. [weiß ich Bescheid]
Should anyone call, ...Sollte jemand anrufen, ...
Should business result ...Sollte dies zu einem Geschäft führen ...
Should it transpire ...Sollte die Nachricht durchdringen ...
Should we jet? [Am.] [coll.]Sollen wir abdüsen? [ugs.]
sth. should be avoidedetw. sollte vermieden werden
sth. should be conductedetw. soll durchgeführt werden
That should do.Das dürfte reichen.
You should know ...Sie müssen wissen ... [formelle Anrede]
You should talk! [Am.] [coll.]Das musst du gerade sagen! [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
should-be stateSollzustand {m}
4 Words: Others
(sth.) should be adhered to(etw.) sollte eingehalten werden
[matters] that should be considered[Dinge,] die berücksichtigt werden müssten
[they] should be used reservedly[sie] sollten mit Zurückhaltung verwendet werden
as it should bewie es sein sollte
Caution should be exercised.Vorsicht ist angezeigt.
Consideration should be given ...Es sollte überlegt werden, ...
How should I proceed?Wie soll ich vorgehen?
I should be glad.Ich bitte (sogar) darum.
I should hope not!Na das will ich aber auch hoffen! (bei vorheriger verneinter Aussage)
I should like to ...Ich möchte gern ...
I should like to ... [Br.] [formal]Dürfte ich bitte ...
I should say so!Das will ich meinen!
I should think so.Ich denke schon.
it should be possiblees sollte möglich sein
Maybe we should (better) ...Vielleicht sollten wir lieber ...
Reference should be made.Es sollte verwiesen werden.
Should a fault occur, ...Sollte ein Fehler auftreten, ...
Should a settlement result ...Sollte ein Vergleich zustande kommen ...
Should he fail to ...Falls er es versäumt ...
should it be necessary {adv}im Notfall
should it happen again {adv}im Wiederholungsfall
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A 2024-07-28: Every experienced user with VP5 should know better than verify an entry or...
A 2024-07-23: Ute should be tagged, too. ;-)
Q 2024-06-28: How or when should I write hyphens?
Q 2024-02-04: Should "Jesus" be dative here?
A 2024-02-02: Uffie, It should be the pupil who should thank the teacher.
A 2024-01-30: The full name of such bill should have been entered
A 2023-11-21: Probably miss heard- should be to go off piste
Q 2023-11-17: water cycle : Should this be split up into 2 entries?
A 2023-11-17: The words “SYNO Intimbereich | Intimsphäre” below should also be deleted....
A 2023-10-20: Make sure the words/phrases you suggest/list are correct and accurate – th...
Q 2023-10-02: rev and reverso trawled entries should be marked with a WARNING
A 2023-08-06: It's not a general rule. Hence we should leave the choice to the contributor
A 2023-07-25: I should have been clearer.
Q 2023-04-26: The English side – you should specify the country. Also check the apostrophe.
A 2023-04-26: ^sure, church holiday should probably be disambiguated.
Q 2023-04-14: Imports from dict.tu-chemnitz.de should be checked
A 2022-05-13: should it be aufgeglänzt instead of aufglänzt?
A 2022-04-14: Different kinds of sport should be clearly discernible, for instance in te...
A 2022-03-02: It's a typo. It should probably read "Speiseeishändler".
Q 2021-12-12: how often should i calibrate electrode

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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