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English-German translation for: shoulders.
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Dictionary English German: shoulders

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

English German
NOUN   a shoulder | shoulders
VERB  to shoulder | shouldered | shouldered
shouldering | shoulders
Schultern {pl}
anat. shoulders
Achseln {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to rub shoulders [literally]einander / sich mit den Schultern berühren
2 Words: Nouns
broad shouldersbreite Schultern {pl}
drooping shouldersHängeschultern {pl}
hunched shouldershochgezogene Schultern {pl}
sagging shouldershängende Schultern {pl}
sloping shouldershängende Schultern {pl}
TrVocab. soft shouldersStraßenbankett {n} nicht befestigt
square shouldersbreite Schultern {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to hike one's shouldersmit den Schultern zucken
to hunch one's shouldersdie Schultern hochziehen
to press on sb.'s shouldersauf jds. Schultern lasten
to rub shoulders with sb. [coll.] [idiom]mit jdm. zusammenkommen [jdn. treffen]
to shrug (one's shoulders)die Schultern zucken
to shrug (one's shoulders)mit den Schultern zucken
to shrug one's shouldersdie Achseln zucken
to shrug one's shouldersmit den Achseln zucken
to slouch one's shouldersdie Schultern hängen lassen
4 Words: Others
He shrugged his shoulders.Er zuckte die Achseln.
head and shoulders better {adj} {adv} [idiom]um Längen besser [Redewendung]
4 Words: Verbs
to take sth. off sb.'s shoulders [fig.]jdm. etw.Akk. abnehmen [fig.]
to take sth. on one's shouldersetw.Akk. auf die Schultern nehmen
4 Words: Nouns
breadth across the shouldersSchulterbreite {f}
shrug of the shouldersAchselzucken {n}
5+ Words: Others
A weight was lifted from my shoulders.Eine Last wurde von mir genommen.
All hopes rest on the shoulders of sb.Alle Hoffnungen ruhen auf den Schultern von jdm.
She stood head and shoulders above him.Sie überragte ihn um gut zwei Köpfe.
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to be head and shoulders above sb.meilenweit vor jdm. liegen
to drag sth. in by the head and shoulders [fig.]etw.Akk. bei / an den Haaren herbeiziehen [fig.]
to let sth. roll off one's shoulders [idiom]etw.Akk. von sichDat. abperlen lassen [Redewendung]
idiom to lift a burden from sb.'s shoulders [fig.]eine Last von jds. Schultern nehmen [fig.]
to put a coat round one's shoulderssichDat. einen Mantel überhängen
to reject sth. with a shrug (of the shoulders)etw.Akk. achselzuckend abtun
to reject sth. with a shrug (of the shoulders)etw.Akk. mit einem Achselzucken abtun
to spread a risk on many shouldersein Risiko auf viele Schultern verteilen
idiom to stand / be head and shoulders above sb.jdn. um Haupteslänge überragen
to stand / be head and shoulders above sb. [idiom]jdm. haushoch überlegen sein
idiom to stand head and shoulders above sb.jdm. turmhoch überlegen sein
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A 2023-10-31: a door barely the width of one's shoulders / barely of shoulder's width
A 2018-07-09: his shoulders back
A 2017-10-26: Perhaps in the sense of standing on the shoulders of others but on purpose...
A 2015-09-26: shrugged shoulders
A 2014-11-30: ... shoulders, drove a piton into the very front bottom of the rock overha...
A 2014-09-01: Chips on shoulders
A 2014-03-03: thanks - it must be "rub shoulders"
A 2014-02-26: I agree with Barloup - rub shoulders with.
A 2014-02-26: to rub shoulders with him
Q 2013-06-01: Übersetzung von Technik-Text (Abgabe Montag 9 Uhr) - "where it shoulders t...
A 2013-03-23: It's ...carrying a bag / resembling a haversack / flat between his shoulders...
A 2011-08-05: "to set one's shoulders" deutet "entschlossen" oder "selbstsicher" an.
A 2011-06-21: How was that for taking the weight of the world on her shoulders?
Q 2011-06-21: How was that for taking the weight of the world on her shoulders?
A 2010-11-09: In English, you only look over someone's shoulder, not shoulders.
A 2010-11-09: +Viribus unitis:+ ... delicate man who had leered so indecently over my s...
A 2010-11-09: @ufriend: No, he doesn't look at her shoulders, but over them.
A 2010-10-04: stand square is like: with squared shoulders
A 2010-01-28: largely dropped shoulders ?
A 2010-01-28: drop shoulders / dropped shoulders / dropped shoulder sleeves

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