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English-German translation for: shout
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Dictionary English German: shout

Translation 1 - 50 of 84  >>

English German
NOUN   a shout | shouts
VERB  to shout | shouted | shouted ... 
SYNO   to call | to cry | to holler ... 
to shout
to shout
to shout sb. sth. [coll.] [Aus.] [NZ]
jdm. etw.Akk. spendieren [ugs.]
to shout
to shoutlaut rufen
to shoutlaut schreien
to shoutüberlaut sprechen
Schrei {m}
Ruf {m}
Zuruf {m}
shoutlauter Ruf {m}
shoutlauter Schrei {m}
2 Words: Others
Good shout! [Br.] [idiom]Gute Idee!
2 Words: Verbs
to shout approvalBeifall rufen
to shout atanschreien
to shout at sb.jdn. anbrüllen
to shout at sb.jdn. anfahren [heftig anreden]
to shout at sb.jdn. anherrschen
to shout at sb.jdn. anschreien
to shout at sb.jdn. zusammenschreien [ugs.]
to shout defiancelaut schreiend zum Widerstand aufrufen
to shout forschreien nach
to shout for sb.laut nach jdm. rufen
to shout for sth.nach etw.Dat. rufen
to shout outaufbrüllen
to shout outausrufen
to shout outeinen Schrei ausstoßen
to shout out [order]brüllen
to shout sb. downjdn. ausbuhen [ugs.]
to shout sb. downjdn. niederbrüllen [ugs.]
to shout sb. downjdn. niederschreien
to shout to sb.jdm. zurufen
2 Words: Nouns
Dutch shout [coll.] [Aus.] [NZ] [idiom]getrennte Kasse {f}
tech. interstellar shoutinterstellarer Schrei {m}
shout-out [coll.]Gruß {m} [über Medien oder vor Publikum verbreitete Grußbotschaft, oft verbunden mit Danksagung, Anerkennung o. ä.]
RadioTV shout-out [coll.] [acknowledgment]öffentlicher Dank {m}
3 Words: Others
It's my shout. [coll.] [Aus.] [paying the bill etc.]Ich bin dran. [einen auszugeben etc.]
That's a shout! [Br.] [idiom]Das ist eine (gute) Idee!
3 Words: Verbs
to give a shoutaufschreien
to give sb. a shout [coll.] [fig.]sich melden
to give sb. a shout [coll.] [let them know]jdm. Bescheid sagen [jdn. benachrichtigen]
to shout abuse at sb.jdn. anpöbeln [ugs.] [pej.]
to shout abuse at sb.jdn. bepöbeln [ugs.] [pej.]
to shout abuse at sb.jdn. laut beschimpfen
to shout and screamherumtoben [ugs.]
Unverified to shout down from sth.aus etw.Dat. herunterbrüllen
to shout for joyaufjauchzen
to shout for joyjauchzen
to shout in unisonim Sprechchor rufen
to shout oneself hoarsesich heiser schreien
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A 2019-01-18: @goog1 Please don't shout.
Q 2017-10-12: to shout an echo into silence
A 2017-05-12: In boxing, the referee's shout would be simply +Break!+
A 2013-04-09: Shout
A 2012-11-15: I like sunfunlili's +if in doubt, shout,+ (or give a shout).
A 2012-11-15: If in doubt - shout. Better be safe than sorry.
A 2011-07-19: @Deutsch-lover - don't shout. .... and next time name all of us. Ta.
A 2011-05-31: Here in Williamsburg, we still shout "Huzzah!" :-)
A 2010-12-20: @AmericanTrudi ... SHOUT at me ...
A 2010-11-26: Shout-out from NYC
A 2009-11-16: Big shout going out to the new macdaddy of our posse!
A 2009-10-15: to shout out to the audience?
Q 2009-01-25: Twist and Shout
A 2008-09-22: give me a shout if you have a moment
A 2008-03-17: No need to shout
A 2008-02-23: don't shout
A 2008-02-13: I'll give yers a shout next time I go for a visit. :-)
A 2008-02-05: oh, never heard that - but that seems to be spoken language...(shout..)
A 2008-02-04: yes, or, slang, 'on a shout'
A 2008-02-04: Romy: in or out, it's no big shout!

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