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English-German translation for: shovel
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Dictionary English German: shovel

Translation 1 - 50 of 141  >>

English German
NOUN   a shovel | shovels
VERB  to shovel | shovelled/shoveled | shovelled/shoveled [Br.+Am./Am. only] ... 
SYNO   digger | excavator | power shovel ... 
to shovel
to shovel
to shovel sth.
etw. schüppen [regional]
tools shovel
Schaufel {f}
tools shovel
Schippe {f} [nordd.] [mitteld.] [Schaufel]
tech. shovel
Löffel {m} [eines Baggers etc.]
tools shovel
Schüppe {f} [regional] [bes. nordd.]
tools shovelSchöppe {f} [rhein.] [Schaufel]
2 Words: Others
shovel-like {adj}schaufelartig
shovel-like {adj}schaufelförmig
shovel-nosed {adj} [flat snout]flachschnäuzig
shovel-ready {adj} [Am.] [coll.]startbereit [Baubeginn]
shovel-shaped {adj}schaufelförmig
2 Words: Verbs
to shovel coalKohle schaufeln
to shovel outausschaufeln
to shovel sth. in [also fig.]etw.Akk. hineinschaufeln [auch fig.]
to shovel sth. in [also fig.]etw.Akk. reinschaufeln [ugs.] [auch fig.]
to shovel sth. up [a grave, a ditch, etc.]etw.Akk. zuschaufeln [ein Grab, einen Graben etc.]
to shovel upzusammenschaufeln
2 Words: Nouns
constr. (power) shovelLöffelbagger {m}
ash shovelAscheschaufel {f}
avalanche shovelLawinenschaufel {f}
backhoe shovelRückschaufel {f}
baker's shovelBäckerschaufel {f}
tools Bavarian shovelbayrische Schaufel {f} [auch: bayerische Schaufel]
gastr. tools cake shovelKuchenheber {m}
gastr. tools cake shovelKuchenschaufel {f}
gastr. tools cake shovelTortenheber {m}
gastr. tools cake shovelTortenschaufel {f}
coal shovelKohlenschaufel {f}
tools collapsible shovelKlappspaten {m}
agr. tools dung shovelMistschaufel {f}
constr. excavator shovelBaggerschaufel {f}
face shovelHochlöffel {m}
tools folding shovelKlappspaten {m}
tools Frankfurt shovelFrankfurter Schaufel {f}
hort. tools garden shovelGartenschaufel {f}
hort. tools garden shovel [trowel or small]Gartenschäufelchen {n} [mit kurzem Stiel oder klein]
tools hand shovelHandschaufel {f}
tools Holstein shovelHolsteiner Schaufel {f}
gastr. ice shovelEisschaufel {f}
lasagne shovelLasagneheber {m}
mechanical shovelSchaufellader {m}
gastr. pizza shovelPizzaheber {m}
gastr. pizza shovelPizzaschaufel {f}
tools sand shovelSandschaufel {f}
scoop shovelRandschaufel {f}
shovel bladeSchaufelblatt {n}
shovel dredgerSchaufelbagger {m}
shovel excavatorSchaufelbagger {m}
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A 2015-04-15: shovel food into me
Q 2011-11-21: sleigh shovel
A 2010-12-04: Strike out +wood+ - you wouldn't put on some more firewood using a shovel
A 2010-12-04: Literally: put some more coal/wood on (the fire) using a shovel
A 2009-08-17: shovel
A 2007-08-20: flip shovel / flip knee
A 2006-03-07: and shovel the snow, if it snowed again
A 2005-03-11: Grab your shovel (and get to work!)
A 2005-03-11: ... I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine ...
A 2004-06-19: Kehrblech - shovel, but not for digging

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