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English-German translation for: signature
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Dictionary English German: signature

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NOUN   a signature | signatures
SYNO   signature | signature tune ... 
signature {adj}
signature {adj}
Unterschrift {f}
Signatur {f}
pharm. signature
Gebrauchsanweisung {f} [auf Arzneimitteln]
Namenszug {m}
admin. signature
Paraphe {f} [Namenszug]
2 Words: Others
by signature {adj} {adv}unterschriftlich
comp. signature based {adj} [in intrusion detection systems]signaturbasiert [bei Angrifferkennungssystemen]
2 Words: Verbs
to bear sb.'s signaturejds. Unterschrift tragen [geh.]
2 Words: Nouns
admin. administrative signatureAmtssignatur {f}
relig. Apostolic SignatureApostolische Signatur {f}
art artist's signatureKünstlersignatur {f}
law attested signaturebeglaubigte Unterschrift {f}
authentic signatureauthentische Unterschrift {f}
authentic signatureechte Unterschrift {f}
law authorized signaturebeglaubigte Unterschrift {f}
autograph signatureeigenhändige Unterschrift {f}
blank signatureBlankounterschrift {f}
bogus signatureGefälligkeitsunterschrift {f}
mus. clef signatureSchlüssel {m}
co-signatureMitzeichnung {f}
econ. law company signaturefirmenmäßige Fertigung {f} [Unterschriften der Firmenvertreter]
econ. law company signaturefirmenmäßige Zeichnung {f} [österr.]
counter-signatureGegenzeichnung {f}
counter-signatureKontrasignatur {f}
comp. digital signaturedigitale Signatur {f}
comp. digital signaturedigitale Unterschrift {f}
drawee's signatureUnterschrift {f} des Bezogenen
dual signatureDoppelunterschrift {f}
comp. electronic signatureelektronische Signatur {f}
comp. electronic signature <ES>elektronische Unterschrift {f} <EU>
comp. Internet email signatureE-Mail-Signatur {f}
facsimile signatureFaksimileunterschrift {f}
forged signaturegefälschte Unterschrift {f}
biochem. biol. genetic signaturegenetische Signatur {f}
genuine signatureeigenhändige Unterschrift {f}
phys. gravity signatureSchwerkraftsignatur {f}
tech. heat signatureWärmesignatur {f}
weapons impact signatureAufschlagmarkierung {f}
joint signaturegemeinsame Unterzeichnung {f}
mus. key signatureGeneralvorzeichen {pl}
mus. key signatureTonartvorzeichnung {f}
law legalized signaturebeglaubigte Unterschrift {f}
comp. method signatureSignatur {f}
missing signaturefehlende Unterschrift {f}
med. zool. odor signature [Am.]Duftmarke {f} [bei Tieren]
odour signature [Br.]Duftmarke {f} [bei Tieren]
odour signature [Br.]Geruchsbild {n}
admin. official signatureAmtssignatur {f}
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A 2021-03-01: Signature style
A 2020-09-25: Vielleicht so? In my capacity as ABC I confirm the authenticity of the si...
A 2020-07-07: company's signature / company seal
Q 2016-11-11: "contact signature"
Q 2015-08-20: to witness a signature (?)
A 2015-04-12: maybe: conform to my (very own) signature concept
A 2014-12-10: I understand this to mean something like "informal report without signatur...
A 2014-11-07: (signature) feature ?
A 2012-08-11: the signature is executed
A 2012-07-30: signature > wofür sie bekannt sind
Q 2012-07-30: Signature taping at jacket zipper
A 2012-03-11: Yes - Queen of smiles ..... that's her (first) "signature feature" ......
A 2011-11-09: Typo: How can +its systemic signature+ and ...
A 2011-08-03: set forth/executed with my signature
Q 2011-07-23: By: (+ name or signature) = Im Auftrag
Q 2011-07-05: gene signature-based diagnostic assays
A 2011-06-23: signature regulations (very German, isn't it?)
Q 2011-04-03: email signature
A 2010-12-14: proof of signature
Q 2010-12-13: the premium on Mercer's signature dropped to an alarming low

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