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English-German translation for: signs
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Dictionary English German: signs

Translation 1 - 50 of 134  >>

English German
NOUN   a sign | signs
VERB  to sign | signed | signed
signing | signs
sb. signs
jd. unterschreibt
sb. signs
jd. signiert
Zeichen {pl}
Schilder {pl}
Indizien {pl}
Anzeichen {pl}
2 Words: Others
signs overüberschreibt
2 Words: Nouns
med. adrenergic signsadrenerge Zeichen {pl}
all signsalle Zeichen {pl}
hist. ling. biliteral signs [e.g. in Egyptian hieroglyphs]Zweikonsonantenzeichen {pl} [z. B. bei ägyptischen Hieroglyphen]
med. clinical signsklinische Symptome {pl}
med. clinical signsklinische Zeichen {pl} [von außen wahrnehmbare Krankheitszeichen]
ling. composite signs [Wittgenstein]zusammengesetzte Zeichen {pl}
deficiency signsMangelerscheinungen {pl}
ling. diacritical signsdiakritische Zeichen {pl}
traffic directional signsRichtungszeichen {pl}
exterior signsAußenschilder {pl}
first signs {pl}Ansatz {m} [fig.] [erste Anzeichen]
informative signs {pl}informative Beschilderung {f}
med. psych. local signsLokalzeichen {pl} [veraltet auch: Localzeichen]
psych. ordinator signsOrdnungszeichen {pl}
traffic prohibition signsVerbotsschilder {pl}
prohibitive signsVerbotsschilder {pl}
law pol. protective signs [signage]Schutzzeichen {pl}
pol. protest signsProtestplakate {pl}
med. radiological signsRöntgenzeichen {pl} [pathognomonische Abweichungen vom Normalbefund eines Röntgenbildes]
road signsVerkehrsschilder {pl}
traffic road signsVerkehrszeichen {pl}
shop signsLadenschilder {pl}
sports market. sideline signsWerbebanden {pl}
star signsSternzeichen {pl}
street signsStraßenschilder {pl}
psych. temporal signsTemporalzeichen {pl}
traffic traffic signsVerkehrsschilder {pl}
traffic traffic signs {pl} [collectively]Verkehrsbeschilderung {f}
hist. ling. triliteral signs [e.g. in Egyptian hieroglyphs]Dreikonsonantenzeichen {pl} [z. B. bei ägyptischen Hieroglyphen]
hist. ling. uniliteral signs [e.g. in Egyptian hieroglyphs]Einkonsonantenzeichen {pl} [z. B. bei ägyptischen Hieroglyphen]
math. unlike signsungleiche Vorzeichen {pl}
med. vital signsLebenszeichen {pl}
med. vital signsVitalparameter {pl}
med. Waddell's signsWaddell-Zeichen {pl}
warning signsWarnsignale {pl}
warning signsWarntafeln {pl}
warning signs [graphical symbols according to DIN EN ISO 7010]Warnschilder {pl} [grafische Symbole nach DIN EN ISO 7010]
esot. zodiac signsSternzeichen {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to communicate by signssich mit Zeichen verständigen
3 Words: Nouns
med. abnormal vital signsabnormale Vitalzeichen {pl}
fire equipment signs [graphical symbols according to DIN EN ISO 7010]Brandschutzzeichen {pl} [grafische Symbole nach DIN EN ISO 7010]
med. focal (neurologic) signsFokalzeichen {pl} [selektive neurologische Ausfälle]
med. focal neurologic signsfokal-neurologische Ausfälle {pl}
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A 2021-12-11: As intimated by AliHeret, +guild signs+ ought to be distinguished from +sh...
A 2021-04-25: During lateral knee provokation, no signs of meniscus tear were detected.
A 2021-04-24: no signs of damage to the meniscus
Q 2018-01-01: Ten Signs of Gentrification? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM5VOo6X_64
A 2017-05-16: It seems to mean that the captain and company may arbitrarily punish any c...
A 2016-12-14: Regarding the spelling of traffic signs / Verkehrszeichen,
A 2016-12-12: Vielleicht: As you can see, the handbag shows little signs of usage.
Q 2015-12-10: Nouvebelle Anti Aging – Reduce Wrinkles, aging signs effectively
Q 2015-02-04: Signs of the times? (For all the girls on the Forum)
A 2013-05-16: A "sudden rage" can be contained internally, with no outward signs of extr...
A 2013-04-10: http://hippierefugee.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/funny-coffee-signs.html
A 2012-09-22: Example of 'das Musterstadt' from a list of DE emergency services radio ca...
A 2012-03-25: first spring messengers / signs / sighting .....
A 2012-02-02: Ah yes, got it. With +dieses,+ I always see a pointing index finger like ...
A 2011-06-26: http://www.graphicproducts.com/signs/menu.html
A 2011-05-07: Here in the context of stop / halt signs
A 2011-02-24: Many signs suggest that ...
A 2011-01-04: ? Europe's political landscape shows signs of upheaval
A 2010-12-21: is this German ? however - allowed to display advertising signs ....
A 2010-09-17: As a result of a cerebral haemorrhage / hemorrhage, she suffered from mult...

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