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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: simpler
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Dictionary English German: simpler

Translation 1 - 3 of 3

English German
ADJ   simple | simpler | simplest
ADJ  simpel | simpler | am simpelsten
simpler | simple | simples
simpelster | simpelste | simpelstes
simpler {adj}
a whole lot simpler {adj} [pred.] [coll.]um einiges einfacher
to break a complex task into simpler oneseine komplexe Aufgabe in einfachere Teilaufgaben teilen
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A 2016-11-20: Simpler.
Q 2015-09-26: How could you express the following word group in a simpler way?
A 2015-02-21: noch simpler
A 2015-01-29: Or even simpler - make sure the pizza arrives in good condition.
A 2013-11-07: A bit simpler -
A 2013-09-03: Much simpler, thanks.
A 2011-12-26: much simpler
A 2011-06-22: Simpler - fold in half.
A 2011-04-07: @Paul: My proposal is much simpler
A 2011-03-17: Goals in the restoration of written cultural heritage is simpler.
A 2010-11-23: In simpler German:
A 2010-11-23: Putting it into hopefully simpler English -
A 2010-11-13: A simpler solution:
A 2010-11-01: rearrange the sentence to make it simpler:
A 2010-08-12: Or, even simpler: register on this page so you won't be shown any ads what...
A 2010-08-10: Simpler
A 2009-05-16: A simpler phrase ...
A 2009-03-15: it's simpler for German speakers (though there are a few regional exceptions),
A 2009-02-18: In simpler words
A 2009-02-15: As borne out by the evidence I gave, +across+ is IMHO much simpler and mor...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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