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English-German translation for: sing
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Dictionary English German: sing

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VERB  to sing | sang | sung ... 
SYNO   to sing | to whistle
mus. to sing
to sing [coll.] [act as an informer]
verraten [verpfeifen]
lit. to sing [upward]aufsingen
to sing sth. [celebrate in poetry]etw. besingen [durch ein Gedicht preisen]
2 Words: Others
sb./sth. would singjd./etw. sänge
2 Words: Verbs
to sing aboutbesingen
to sing alongmitsingen
to sing aloudlaut singen
mus. to sing falsettofalsettieren
mus. to sing falsettofisteln [veraltet] [mit Fistelstimme singen]
mus. to sing flateinen Halbton zu tief singen
mus. to sing flat [coll.]schief singen [ugs.]
mus. to sing highhoch singen
to sing lowtief singen
to sing low [in a low voice]leise singen
to sing ofbesingen
to sing sb.'s praise [also fig.]jds. Lob singen [auch fig.]
mus. to sing sb.'s praise [also idiom]jdm. ein Loblied singen [auch fig.]
idiom to sing sb./sth. praisesein Hohelied auf jdn./etw. singen [geh.]
mus. to sing sharpzu hoch singen
mus. to sing sharpeinen Halbton zu hoch singen
to sing small [archaic] [idiom]klein beigeben [Redewendung]
to sing small [archaic] [idiom]kleinlaut beigeben [seltener] [klein beigeben]
to sing small [archaic] [idiom]kleinlaut nachgeben
to sing small [archaic] [idiom]kleinlaut sein
idiom to sing small [archaic] [modify one's speech, esp. when it had previously been arrogant]kleinlaut werden
to sing to sb.jdm. vorsingen
to sing to sb.vor jdm. singen
2 Words: Nouns
mus. Berlin SingakademieSing-Akademie {f} zu Berlin [ursprünglich gesamt-, dann westdeutsch]
mus. sing-alongSingalong {n} [auch: Sing-along]
sing-songSingsang {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to sing a hymneine Hymne singen
mus. to sing a songein Lied singen
mus. to sing a tuneeine Melodie singen
to sing another tuneein anderes Lied singen
mus. to sing at sightvom Blatt singen
to sing for joyaus Freude singen
to sing for moneyfür Geld singen
mus. to sing from musicnach Noten singen
mus. to sing off-keyfalsch singen
to sing out / about [sl.] [of a plan etc.]verpfeifen [ugs.]
to sing out / about [sl.] [betray to the police]singen [ugs.] [verpfeifen]
to sing paeans to sb./sth. [fig.]eine Lobeshymne auf jdn./etw. anstimmen [ugs.] [fig.]
to sing paeans to sb./sth. [literary] [fig.]jdn./etw. hymnisch preisen [fig.]
to sing sb. to sleepjdn. in den Schlaf singen
to sing sb.'s/sth.'s praiseseine Lobeshymne auf jdn./etw. singen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to sing sth. by earetw. nach dem Gehör singen
to sing the blues [fig.] [idiom]Trübsal blasen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
mus. pol. to sing the Internationaledie Internationale singen
to sing to oneselfvor sichAkk. hinsingen
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Q 2024-11-06: elector's beaker und electors' cap? Sing. oder Pl..?
A 2022-03-04: ... they play / sing perfectly on cue ...
A 2021-07-18: Pontata {sing.}, pontate {plural}
Q 2021-01-17: Sing. vs Pl. nach ausgeschriebenen Zahlen
A 2017-07-08: Wem sing Täsch is dat?
A 2017-04-09: Typo: sing (from the) backstage
A 2017-04-09: Possibly +to sing from the side wing+
A 2017-01-24: Ehe es im dict "Inflections" gab, wurden häufig, fast immer, grundsätzlich...
A 2016-08-12: @BHM: Hinterbacken und Gesäßbacken (sing. + pl. = 3x) sind kein Slang, auc...
A 2016-04-19: Either sing. or plural
A 2014-11-11: Sing-Off ~ Abgesang
Q 2014-11-11: The Sing-Off
A 2013-12-10: to sing through, to chant
A 2013-02-27: I like "um sich," great image! My mother used to sing "Der-her Mai ist gek...
A 2012-11-28: Thanks, Gobber. Let us now stand and sing:
Q 2012-11-05: "Are the kids singing?" or "Do the kids sing?"
A 2012-10-17: Oh sir, yes. I meant the deutsche songtexte. So I can sing it :-)
A 2012-05-16: Danke (Sing)
A 2012-04-04: das ist wie im Englischen: "I did not hear the birds sing"
A 2012-03-06: beide im Nom. Sing. möglich

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