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English-German translation for: sites
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Dictionary English German: sites

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NOUN   a site | sites
VERB  to site | sited | sited
siting | sites
NOUN   die Site | die Sites
Stellen {pl}
Lagen {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
orn. zool. breeding sitesBrutplätze {pl}
entom. orn. breeding sitesBrutstätten {pl}
constr. building sitesBaugelände {pl}
TrVocab. camping sitesCampingplätze {pl}
sports competition sitesWettkampfstätten {pl}
ecol. RealEst. contaminated sitesAltlasten {pl} [belastete Grundstücke]
agr. feeding sitesFutterplätze {pl}
historic siteshistorische Stätten {pl}
travel historic siteskulturhistorische Sehenswürdigkeiten {pl}
holy sitesheilige Stätten {pl}
biol. invariable sitesinvariable Positionen {pl}
Internet joke sitesWitzeseiten {pl}
mycol. lichen sitesFlechtenstandorte {pl}
orn. nesting sitesNistplätze {pl}
old sitesAltanlagen {pl}
automot. ind. Opel sitesOpel-Standorte {pl}
automot. ind. Opel's sitesOpel-Standorte {pl}
relig. sacred sitesHeiligtümer {pl} [heilige Stätten]
sites affectedbetroffene Standorte {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
catalogued cultural sites [Br.]katalogisierte Kulturstätten {pl}
classified cultural sitesklassifizierte Kulturstätten {pl}
ecol. contaminated sites map [Am.]Altlastenkataster {m} {n}
sites of crimeTatorte {pl}
sites of fracturesBruchstellen {pl}
Internet social media sitesSocial-Media-Sites {pl}
splendid camping-siteshervorragende Campingplätze {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
extensions to landfill sitesDeponieerweiterungen {pl}
mining mining and milling sitesBergbau- und Aufbereitungsstandorte {pl}
mortgage on industrial sitesIndustriehypothek {f}
phys. octahedral interstitial positions / sitesOktaeder-Zwischengitterplätze {pl}
ecol. urban remediation of contaminated sitesAltlastensanierung {f}
wonderful lake-side sitesherrliche Plätze {pl} an den Seen
5+ Words: Others
Several colleges hold classes at off-campus sites.Mehrere Institute halten außerhalb des Universitätsgeländes Lehrveranstaltungen ab.
5+ Words: Verbs
travel to pilgrimage to the cultural siteszu den Kulturstätten pilgern
5+ Words: Nouns
UWH Bauhaus and its Sites in Weimar and DessauDas Bauhaus und seine Stätten in Weimar und Dessau
cultural sites of Europe's pastKulturstätten {pl} europäischer Vergangenheit
International Council on Monuments and Sites <ICOMOS>Internationaler Rat {m} für Denkmalpflege <ICOMOS>
UWH list of World Heritage Sites in dangerRote Liste {f} des gefährdeten Welterbes
UWH Memorial sites of the Genocide: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero [in Rwanda]Gedenkstätten {pl} des Völkermordes: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi und Bisesero [in Ruanda]
preservation of sites of historic interestDenkmalschutz {m}
sports sites of the Winter OlympicsAustragungsorte {pl} der Olympischen Winterspiele
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A 2022-08-25: Sites de entretenimento
A 2021-09-20: The Execution Sites of London
A 2019-08-19: There are lots of EU sites with personal services,
A 2018-11-20: Some more photo uploading sites
A 2018-11-13: I agree with aphoenix: We should delete the SUBJECT "World Hereitage Sites".
Q 2018-11-13: UNESCO World Heritage Sites Subject -- Do we need this?
A 2017-09-01: Other sites
A 2017-06-30: It's a relatively new thing and is used a lot on social media sites, in my...
A 2017-05-02: Minor sites
A 2017-01-24: american films shouldn't appear in bulk on minor sites
A 2017-01-13: Other sites.
A 2016-06-10: Minor sites
Q 2015-11-11: Blocked sites
A 2015-10-27: http://www.ilsf.org/sites/ilsf.org/files/filefield/APP%2007%20ILS%20Lifesa...
A 2015-10-26: Sites
A 2015-03-04: YX-207 does seem to be a common designation on Asian sites for a standard ...
A 2015-02-25: Mastermind-Gruppe is used on some German sites -
Q 2015-02-17: Komplizierter Text über Kfz-Einspritz-Abgassysteme (Abgabe morgen 19 Uhr) ...
A 2014-10-29: Restricting it to UK sites, there are 12 hits -
A 2014-09-08: I can find examples of both on sites that are or seem to be BE.

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