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English-German translation for: situations
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Dictionary English German: situations

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
NOUN   a situation | situations
Situationen {pl}
Lagen {pl}
2 Words
jobs situations requiredStellen gesucht
extreme situationsExtremsituationen {pl}
risky situationsRisikosituationen {pl}
jobs situations vacantStellenangebote {pl}
jobs situations vacantStellenanzeigen {pl}
situations wantedStellengesuche {pl} [in der Zeitung]
vacant situationsfreie Stellen {pl}
weather situationsWettersituationen {pl}
3 Words
in difficult situations {adv}in schwierigen Lebenslagen
in emergency situations {adv}in Notfällen
in emergency situations {adv}in Notsituationen
to ameliorate crisis situationsKrisensituationen verbessern
diversity {sg} of situationsunterschiedliche Gegebenheiten {pl}
everyday life situationsAlltagsereignisse {pl}
everyday work situationsalltägliche Berufssituationen {pl}
4 Words
to adjust to new situationssichAkk. an neue Situationen anpassen
to adjust to new situationssichAkk. auf neue Situationen einstellen
to sum up traffic situationsVerkehrssituationen einschätzen
management of crisis situationsKrisenmanagement {n}
5+ Words
in all kinds of situations {adv}in den verschiedensten Situationen
to adjust oneself to new situationssich neuen Gegebenheiten anpassen
comedy of the situation / situationsSituationskomik {f}
QM hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous eventsGefährdungen, Gefährdungssituationen und Gefährdungsereignisse
admin. pol. Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations <EMERCOM>[russisches Katastrophenschutzministerium]
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A 2017-07-08: It's definitely used in everyday (spoken) situations here,
A 2016-10-28: Good situations
A 2016-07-27: And then there are also those situations in life some feel to be quite testing.
A 2015-03-25: They are both very similar and in some situations either can be used, as t...
A 2015-03-02: For BE, become (or got for informal situations) is better than gotten,
A 2015-01-28: Convince isn't used in situations like this as often as überzeugen is.
A 2014-10-14: Both could apply to both situations -
A 2014-10-14: I understood what you wrote, and understand both situations.
A 2014-09-26: I think it's just a phrase that sounds good (I've come across it it a numb...
A 2014-09-19: I avoid using criterion in all but the most formal situations,
A 2014-05-08: No, but it's what would be said in certain situations - the +müssen+ is im...
A 2014-03-28: Two different situations -
A 2014-01-22: Present perfect is used in a number of different situations, I only mentio...
A 2013-04-04: Don't cause awkward situations by making her ask ...
A 2013-03-11: It seems to me that AngloAndy and deaerjag are talking about different sit...
Q 2012-12-14: towards other similar situations
A 2012-12-07: I don't know of a phrase that would work in all situations.
A 2012-10-11: Normally, in situations where +Danke für Ihe Verständnis+ is used,
A 2012-08-14: "It doesn't bother me" works fine in a lot of situations.
Q 2012-07-28: In what types of possible contexts or situations could the expression belo...

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