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English-German translation for: six
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Dictionary English German: six

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NOUN   six | sixes
SYNO   six | six-spot | 6 | half dozen ... 
six [bus]Sechser {m} [ugs.]
sports six [cricket: a hit that reaches the boundary without first striking the ground, scoring six runs][Schlag, mit dem man sechs Punkte gewinnt]
six [the digit '6', etc.]Sechser {m} [ugs.] [Sechs {f}] [Ziffer, Note usw.]
2 Words: Others
aged six {adv}im Alter von sechs Jahren
six different {adj} [attr.]sechserlei [indekl.]
six hourlong ... [spv.] [Am.] [e.g. six episodes, each lasting for one hour]sechs einstündige ... [sechs ..., die je eine Stunde dauern]
six hundredsechshundert
six monthly {adj} {adv}sechsmonatlich
six months {adj} [attr.] [e.g. notice, warning]halbjährig
six thousandsechstausend
six times {adv}sechsmal
six times {adj} [attr.]sechsmalig
chem. six-atom {adj} [attr.] <6-atom>sechsatomig <6-atomig>
six-axle {adj} [attr.] <6-axle>sechsachsig <6-achsig>
six-axled {adj}sechsachsig
weapons six-chambered {adj} [e.g. revolver]sechsschüssig [z. B. Revolvertrommel]
gastr. six-course {adj} [attr.] [meal, dinner]Sechsgang- [Menü]
tech. six-cylinder {adj} [attr.]Sechszylinder-
tech. six-cylinder {adj} [attr.]sechszylindrig
six-day {adj} [attr.]sechstägig <6-tägig>
six-digit {adj} [attr.]sechsstellig
six-dimensional {adj}sechsdimensional
six-edge {adj} [attr.]sechskantig
six-edged {adj}sechskantig
six-figure {adj} [attr.]sechsstellig
agr. gastr. six-grain {adj} [attr.] <6-grain>Sechskorn- <6-Korn->
six-hour {adj} [attr.]sechsstündig <6-stündig>
six-hourly {adj} {adv}sechsstündlich [(sich) alle sechs Stunden (wiederholend)]
traffic six-lane {adj} [attr.]sechsspurig
med. MedTech. six-lumen {adj} [attr.]mit sechs Lumina [nachgestellt]
six-man {adj} [attr.]sechsköpfig [Männergruppe]
six-membered {adj} [attr.]sechsgliedrig
six-minute {adj} [attr.]sechsminütig
six-month {adj} [attr.]sechsmonatig <6-monatig> [z. B. Reise, Praktikum etc.]
six-month {adj} [attr.] [duration: course, contract, etc.]halbjährig
six-monthly {adj} {adv}halbjährlich
six-page {adj} [attr.] [letter, essay, etc.]sechsseitig [Brief, Aufsatz etc.]
bot. six-petalled {adj} [Br.]sechsblättrig [Blüte]
math. six-place {adj} [attr.] [e.g. decimal number]sechsstellig [z. B. Dezimalzahl]
six-seat {adj} [attr.]sechssitzig
six-semester {adj} [attr.] <6-semester>sechssemestrig <6-semestrig>
six-sided {adj}sechsflächig
six-sided {adj}sechsseitig [sechseckig, sechskantig]
math. six-sided {adj}6-seitig
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A 2023-01-27: Usually children in Germany don't start school until they are six.
A 2020-08-06: “Whoa. We need to be six feet apart when we argue,’ says the elephant to t...
A 2018-01-26: ? Red lines indicate shortfalls below the minimum antenna distance of 1.6m...
A 2016-12-09: six-month development of XYZ
A 2016-10-09: The verb entry +to tweedledee/fiedeln+ was passed by six unregistered voters,
Q 2016-08-04: six-inch cannon
A 2015-04-30: Six-pound = caliber
A 2015-03-01: Six Nations 2015: France 13-20 Wales
A 2014-12-22: The current six disciplines of skiing are alpine, cross country, ski jump...
A 2014-10-31: I've seen six now :-)
A 2014-09-24: Wenn schon: Es +hat+ sechs Grad minus. > It's six below (zero / freezing).
A 2014-08-13: ...that he would have to sail for six weeks to find/get to a doctor.
Q 2014-07-30: Keine Ahnung, was "six handle on" bedeutet
A 2014-05-19: On the Austrian site there are six colours -
A 2014-04-23: what does a six course gourmet menu consist of ?
A 2014-04-23: six-course menu
A 2013-10-23: "tobacco kills every six seconds " ..... http://www.who.int/mediacentre/...
A 2013-08-23: All stayed clear at his six o'clock position = no one behind him at any time.
Q 2013-08-23: His six stayed clear
A 2013-08-06: Something like that normally means out of eight attempts at something, two...

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