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English-German translation for: skip
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Dictionary English German: skip

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NOUN   a skip | skips
VERB  to skip | skipped | skipped ... 
SYNO   to jump | to pass over | to skip ... 
to skip sth. [omit] [e.g. a few lines]
etw.Akk. auslassen [überspringen]
to skip sth. [generation, passage, chapter etc.]
etw.Akk. überspringen [fig.] [auslassen, übergehen]
to skip
educ. to skip [coll.]
schwänzen [ugs.]
to skip sth. [not attend]
etw.Akk. auslassen [nicht hingehen, schwänzen]
to skip
springen [hüpfen, seilhüpfen]
to skip sth. [pages, chapters etc.]
etw. überschlagen [auslassen in Buch, Text]
to skip sb./sth. [to pass over]
jdn./etw. übergehen
to skip [with a skipping rope]
to skip
tänzeln [sich leichtfüßig bewegen, z. B. beim Boxen]
to skip sth. [a passage of a text involuntarily]
etw.Akk. überlesen
to skip sth. [an appointment etc.]
etw. spritzen [österr. ugs.] [Termin etc.]
to skip [with a skipping rope]
games to skip sb. [e.g. in UNO®]jdn. überspringen [z. B. bei UNO®] [jdn. aussetzen lassen]
to skip sth. [coll.] [not attend]sichDat. etw. schenken [ugs.] [Vorlesung etc.]
to skip sth. [lesson etc.]etw. ausfallen lassen [nicht hingehen]
to skip sth. [not attend]etw. sausen lassen [ugs.]
constr. skip [Br.] [large container for waste]
Container {m} [Müllcontainer]
constr. skip
Mulde {f} [für Bauschutt etc.]
Sprung {m} [Hüpfer]
skip [omission]
Auslassung {f}
mining skip
Fördergefäß {n}
Leerbefehl {m}
constr. skip [Br.] [dumpster]
Schuttmulde {f}
mus. skip
[Intervall von mehr als einem Ganzton]
law skip [Am.] [coll.] [bail jumper] [person who gives up the bail bond of court][jd., der vor Gericht eine Kaution verfallen lässt und nicht vor Gericht erscheint]
phys. skip [skywave]Raumwelle {f}
2 Words: Others
mus. by skip {adv}sprungweise
Skip it!Lass es doch!
comp. Skip navigation.Navigation überspringen.
2 Words: Verbs
to skip aboutherumhüpfen
to skip aheadvoranspringen [vorausspringen]
law to skip bail [coll.]die Kaution verfallen lassen
educ. to skip classes [coll.]den Unterricht schwänzen [ugs.]
to skip dinnerdas Abendessen auslassen
to skip mealsMahlzeiten auslassen
to skip over sth.etw.Akk. überspringen
to skip over sth.über etw.Akk. hinwegspringen
to skip pastüberflügeln
to skip rope [Am.]seilhüpfen
to skip rope [Am.]seilspringen
educ. to skip schoolSchul stageln [österr.] [regional] [Schule schwänzen]
to skip school [coll.]blaumachen [ugs.] [die Schule schwänzen]
to skip school [coll.]die Schule schwänzen [ugs.]
lit. to skip to sth. [of readers: go to another chapter, part, etc. of a text]zu etw.Dat. springen [fig.] [beim Lesen: zu einem anderen Teil des Textes]
idiom to skip town [coll.]aus der Stadt abhauen [ugs.]
to skip workblaumachen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
(rubbish) skip [esp. Br.]Müllcontainer {m}
concrete skipBetonkübel {m}
horizontal skipZeilensprung {m}
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A 2017-08-08: I would skip the coke and simply go with "bring popcorn"
A 2013-12-03: Skip "edge"?
A 2013-10-29: "skip"-Button
Q 2013-09-03: Can I skip "dazu" in this sentence? (from #723640)
A 2013-09-03: Can I skip "dazu"? wenn's der context zulässt ..... sind sie Alleinver...
Q 2012-06-19: click to skip intro
A 2011-10-09: Skip not
A 2011-10-09: Maybe I skip the "dining room" in the "posh version" and just say
Q 2011-08-01: skip out on sb
Q 2011-05-21: program skip patterns, block rotations, back end calculations
A 2011-04-14: I'd skip the "As"
A 2011-02-13: skip gültigem ....?!
A 2010-12-30: I'd skip the negative form
A 2010-12-15: Coming to think of it - must skip to the loo +molto presto+
A 2010-12-15: Skip to my Lou
A 2010-12-15: Das Lied heißt +Skip to my Lou+ http://freesongsforkids.com/audios/skip-my-lou
Q 2010-12-15: Skip to my Lou
A 2010-12-03: Once you've said "orthopädisch", you can skip it in the course of the text.
A 2010-08-18: I'd skip the "einmal"
A 2010-07-10: AE skip rocks

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