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English-German translation for: sleeping
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Dictionary English German: sleeping

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VERB  to sleep | slept | slept
sleeping | sleeps
SYNO   dormant | sleeping | dormancy ... 
sleeping {adj} {pres-p}
sleeping {adj} [attr.]
2 Words: Others
sleeping lateausschlafend
sleeping onüberschlafend
2 Words: Nouns
sleeping accommodationQuartier {n}
sleeping accommodationSchlafgelegenheit {f}
sleeping accommodationÜbernachtungsmöglichkeit {f}
sleeping accommodationUnterkunft {f}
sleeping accommodationUnterkunft {f} für die Nacht
sleeping accommodationsSchlafgelegenheiten {pl}
RealEst. sleeping areaSchlafbereich {m}
sleeping bagSchlafsack {m}
sleeping bagsSchlafsäcke {pl}
rail sleeping berthBettplatz {m}
sleeping berthSchlafabteil {n}
sleeping berthsSchlafabteile {pl}
cloth. sleeping braSchlaf-BH {m}
rail sleeping carSchlafwagen {m}
zool. sleeping caveSchlafhöhle {f}
rail sleeping coachSchlafwagen {m}
rail sleeping compartment [on a train]Schlafabteil {n}
med. sleeping disordersSchlafbeschwerden {pl}
sleeping draught [Br.]Schlaftrunk {m}
sleeping environmentSchlafumgebung {f}
sleeping eyesSchlafaugen {pl}
TrVocab. sleeping facilitiesSchlafmöglichkeiten {pl}
sleeping floorSchlafboden {m}
sleeping giant [fig.]schlafender Riese {m} [fig.]
sleeping habitsSchlafgewohnheiten {pl}
sleeping in [Br.]Ausschlafen {n}
sleeping loftSchlafboden {m}
sleeping matIsoliermatte {f}
sleeping matIsomatte {f} [kurz für: Isoliermatte]
sleeping matLiegematte {f}
sleeping mat [in a tent]Schlafmatte {f}
sleeping mateBettgenosse {m} [veraltend bzw. hum.]
sleeping nakedNacktschlafen {n}
sleeping padIsoliermatte {f}
sleeping padIsomatte {f} [kurz für: Isoliermatte]
sleeping padLiegematte {f}
sleeping partnerstiller Gesellschafter {m}
sleeping partnerstiller Teilhaber {m}
sleeping partner [female]stille Teilhaberin {f}
sleeping partnershipstille Teilhaberschaft {f}
biol. sleeping patternSchlafverhalten {n}
pharm. sleeping pillSchlafmittel {n}
pharm. sleeping pillSchlaftablette {f}
pharm. sleeping pillsSchlafmittel {pl}
pharm. sleeping pillsSchlaftabletten {pl}
sleeping placeSchlafplatz {m}
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A 2018-09-26: I'm feeling as if I'm sleeping away my life.
A 2015-03-02: Personalized conundrum: Why do I exist when I am aware of myself if I do n...
A 2014-11-12: Family bed / Familienbett, I should think, intuitively says it all - +co-s...
Q 2014-11-12: Co-sleeping aka Family Bed
A 2014-10-29: ambulante Behandlung means to me without "sleeping" in the hospital
A 2013-05-12: Up late and not sleeping in on a Sunday.
Q 2011-12-26: Sleeping babies.
A 2011-03-20: I know it as http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&rlz=1T4ADRA_deAT365AT365&q=...
A 2011-01-19: I am sleeping :-(
A 2010-12-23: It is, however, so silly that parents try keeping their girls from sleepin...
A 2010-08-04: sleeping in one bed in a "belly-to-back"-position
A 2010-06-28: Correction: participation in real estate companies and sleeping partnershi...
A 2010-06-27: participation in real estate companies and sleeping partnerships are excluded
A 2009-12-17: be out for the count > to be sleeping deeply ??
A 2009-12-09: Typo: +sleeping partner+
A 2009-12-09: +sleeping partner" is current UK usage
A 2009-12-09: sleeping policeman
A 2009-09-09: dancing dog? sleeping kitten? isn't it "while the cat's away -- the mice w...
Q 2009-09-08: Interjection for sleeping / Interjektion für Schlafen
Q 2008-09-26: Is everybody sleeping and dreaming, like Australian birds?

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