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English-German translation for: slim
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Dictionary English German: slim

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ADJ   slim | slimmer | slimmest
VERB  to slim | slimmed | slimmed ... 
SYNO   to lose weight | to melt off ... 
slim {adj}
slim {adj} [small in amount or quality]
gering [nicht sehr groß]
slim {adj} [object]
dünn [Gegenstand]
slim {adj} [waist]
schmal [Taille]
slim {adj} [resources, profits, chances]
mager [bes. Ressourcen, Profite, Aussichten]
slim {adj}
to slim
abnehmen [Gewicht verlieren]
to slim
abspecken [ugs.]
to slimschlank werden
to slimSchlankheitsdiät einhalten
to sliman Gewicht abnehmen
to slimauf schlank machen
to slimeine Schlankheitskur machen
2 Words: Others
zool. slim-faced {adj}schmalgesichtig
cloth. slim-fit {adj} [attr.]eng anliegend [schlanke Passform]
slim-fit {adj} [attr.]Slim-Fit-
super-slim {adj}superschlank
2 Words: Verbs
to slim downschlanker machen
to slim down [person]abnehmen [Gewicht]
to slim down [person]abspecken [ugs.]
econ. to slim down sth. [a business]etw. verschlanken [einen Betrieb]
to stay slimschlank bleiben
2 Words: Nouns
being slimSchlanksein {n}
slim bodyschmächtiger Körperbau {m}
slim chancegeringe Chance {f}
med. slim disease [S.Afr.] [AIDS]Aids {n} [meist ohne Artikel]
slim excuseschwache Ausrede {f}
slim formschlanke Gestalt {f}
slim hopegeringe Hoffnung {f}
slim majorityknappe Mehrheit {f}
slim pickings {pl}dürftige Auswahl {f}
cloth. slim sizeschlanke Größe {f} [Konfektionsgröße]
publ. slim volumeschmaler Band {m}
slim waistschlanke Hüfte {f}
3 Words: Others
of slim value {adj}von geringem Wert
slim and willowy {adj}gertenschlank
slim to none {adj}gegen Null
tall and slim {adj}groß und schlank
3 Words: Verbs
cloth. to make sb. look slimjdn. schlank machen
3 Words: Nouns
a slim chance {sg}kaum Aussichten {pl}
publ. a slim volumeein dünnes Buch {n}
geol. Slim Buttes Formation [South Dakota]Slim-Buttes-Formation {f}
4 Words: Nouns
only a slim audiencenur eine kleine Zuhörerschaft {f}
5+ Words: Others
idiom as slim as a wand {adj}gertenschlank
sb.'s chances of doing sth. are slimjds. Aussichten, etw. zu tun, sind gering
5+ Words: Nouns
people who want to slim downAbnehmwillige {pl}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2017-12-11: Being slim appears / seems to mean being beautiful and healthy in our society
A 2014-09-13: +dumpy+ appears to be graphically descriptive - as being short/fat does no...
Q 2012-07-17: a slim black sheath
A 2011-10-27: streamlined - ausgewogen ??? lean - vordergründig / leicht ??? slim - sc...
Q 2011-10-27: lean, slim, streamlined wine
A 2011-08-12: long, slim fit trousers vs short, relaxed fit
A 2010-11-21: tiny pants = very slim pants and/or capris
Q 2010-08-22: as slim yet pungent as its subject
A 2009-11-25: streamlined/slim procedure/process with low data collection and examinatio...
A 2009-02-13: Wortstellung vielleicht besser: slim little lady
A 2008-07-01: Couldn't disagree more, Bella. In English they are often spelt the +Hapsbu...
A 2008-04-03: it means the person is well-trained and slim
A 2007-10-14: oder: ... every swim keeps slim
A 2007-10-14: every walk aids a slim figure, every step brings fitness
A 2007-09-04: I have to go on a diet. You really don't need to slim down!
A 2007-06-15: slim
A 2007-04-12: Noble black Slim-fit-suits accentuate a perfect figure.
A 2007-04-12: Slim-fit suits look perfect (oder great, outstanding) in sophisticated black.
A 2005-09-05: or: normal (slim) fit / wide fit
A 2005-01-08: The Joker / Fatboy Slim

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Slim Buttes Formation
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