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Dictionary English German: small

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ADJ   small | smaller | smallest
SYNO   minor | modest | pocket-size ... 
small {adj}
small {adj}
small {adj}
small {adj} [waist]
schmal [Taille]
small {adj}
small {adj}
small {adj} [insignificant]
small {adj} [size, importance]Pimperl- [österr.] [ugs.] [klein, unbedeutend]
the smalldas Kleine {n}
the small {pl} [those who are small]die Kleinen {pl}
2 Words: Others
arbitrarily small {adj}beliebig klein
comparatively small {adj}verhältnismäßig klein
microscopically small {adj}mikroskopisch klein
relatively small {adj}verhältnismäßig klein
relatively small {adj}ziemlich gering
weapons small caliber {adj} [Am.]Kleinkaliber-
weapons small calibre {adj} [attr.] [Br.]Kleinkaliber-
small squared {adj}kleinkariert / klein kariert [Papier etc.]
small-area {adj} [attr.]kleinflächig
small-boned {adj}feingliedrig [Person]
small-boned {adj}zierlich
tech. small-bore {adj}kleinkalibrig
small-bore {adj}schmalbrüstig [fig.]
small-bore {adj} [trivial]banal
small-breasted {adj}kleinbrüstig
weapons small-caliber {adj} [Am.]kleinkalibrig
weapons small-calibre {adj} [attr.] [Br.]kleinkalibrig
biol. small-celled {adj}kleinzellig
tech. small-dimensioned {adj}klein dimensioniert
small-format {adj} [attr.]kleinformatig
agr. bot. small-fruited {adj}kleinfruchtig
bot. small-leaved {adj}kleinblätterig [seltener für: kleinblättrig]
bot. small-leaved {adj}kleinblättrig
small-minded {adj}engherzig
small-minded {adj}engstirnig
small-minded {adj}kleingeistig
small-minded {adj}kleinkariert [ugs.]
small-printed {adj}kleingedruckt
spec. small-scale {adj}kleinskalig
small-scale {adj}im Kleinformat [nachgestellt]
small-scale {adj} [attr.]kleinformatig
small-scale {adj} [attr.]kleinmaßstäbig
small-scale {adj} [attr.]kleinmaßstäblich
small-scale {adj} [attr.]kleinräumig
small-scale {adj} [attr.]in kleinem Maßstab [nachgestellt]
small-size {adj} [attr.]klein [von geringer Größe]
small-size {adj} [in a small format]kleinformatig
small-sized {adj}klein
small-sized {adj}Klein-
small-sized {adj}kleinformatig
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Search time: 0.056 sec

Q 2023-05-30: small publicity
A 2023-01-09: oder vielleicht: to demand their small suppliers' self-commitment to meet ...
A 2022-10-04: small child
A 2022-09-06: @MichaelK: just the other way around in my childhood's neighborhood (small...
A 2021-10-12: Suggest 'pitifully small crowd.'
Q 2021-07-29: owing a small country
A 2021-02-10: small and medium-sized businesses
Q 2021-02-04: ERROR: File size too small – did you record anything?
A 2020-12-26: “Tea money” is a common phrase, akin to small fee
A 2020-08-06: to party into (e.g. the small hours, the New Year)
A 2020-05-26: It's a small world.
A 2020-01-09: Wow! Thanks Proteus - that´s a small difference I would have never noticed
A 2018-06-04: (very) small animals
A 2018-02-15: Ja. 1 : 10exp8 = 1 : 100 000 000 is very small indeed
Q 2018-02-01: Big things come in small packages.
A 2017-12-13: small hazelnut log
A 2017-10-13: smalL
Q 2017-09-26: A small headline/heading above the main headline/heading of an article
A 2017-06-29: large scale furniture - small scale furniture / occasional furniture
A 2017-06-29: furniture big and small / big and small furniture

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