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English-German translation for: small-time
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Dictionary English German: small time

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SYNO   nickel-and-dime | small-time
(small-time) crookRatero {m}
small-time academicSchmalspurakademiker {m}
small-time criminalKleinkrimineller {m}
small-time crookKleinkrimineller {m}
small-time politicianSchmalspurpolitiker {m}
small-time {adj} [attr.] [insignificant]unbedeutend
small-time {adj} [coll.] [pathetic]armselig
drugs small time [sl.] [codeine]Kodein {n}
small-time academic [female]Schmalspurakademikerin {f}
law small-time crime [criminality]Kleinkriminalität {f}
small-time crookkleiner Gauner {m}
small-time crookKleinganove {m} [ugs.]
small-time hood [coll.]Kleinkrimineller {m}
comm. small-time outfitkleiner Betrieb {m}
small-time thiefkleiner Dieb {m}
med. small bowel transit timeDünndarmpassagezeit {f}
med. small intestine transit timeDünndarmpassagezeit {f}
small-time {adj} [coll.] [puny]mickerig [ugs.]
comm. small-time outfit [shabby]Klitsche {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
small-time villainkleiner Fisch {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [fig.] [kleiner Gauner]
Partial Matches
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
med. small-fiber pathology [Am.]Small-fiber-Pathologie {f}
med. small-fibre pathology [Br.]Small-fibre-Pathologie {f}
MedTech. small part sonographySmall-Part-Sonographie {f}
film F Small Soldiers [Joe Dante]Small Soldiers
sports small forwardSmall Forward {m} [Basketball]
tech. space time / space-time block code <STBC>Raum-Zeit-Blockcode {m}
film F In Time [Andrew Niccol]In TimeDeine Zeit läuft ab
RadioTV F Time TraxTime TraxZurück in die Zukunft
Thiele/Small parameter <TSP> [loudspeaker]Thiele-Small-Parameter {m} <TSP> [Lautsprecher]
med. MedTech. real-time ultrasonography <RTU>Real-Time-Ultraschall {m}
med. MedTech. real-time ultrasound <RTU>Real-Time-Ultraschall {m}
electr. MedTech. trigger delay time <TD time>Trigger-Verzögerungszeit {f}
in-house time-sharinginnerbetriebliches Time-Sharing {n}
med. five-year survival time <5-year survival time>Fünfjahresüberlebenszeit {f} <5-Jahres-Überlebenszeit>
comp. econ. Small Form Factor Special Interest Group <SFF-SIG>Small Form Factor Special Interest Group {f} <SFF-SIG> [Interessengruppe für kleine Formfaktoren (wörtl. übersetzt)]
film F Time Slip / Time Slip: The Day of the Apocalypse [UK title] [Kōsei Saitō / Kosei Saito]Time Slip - Der Tag der Apokalypse
phys. time-bin encodingTime-Bin-Kodierung {f}
lit. F Swing Time [Zadie Smith]Swing Time
film F Time Bandits [Terry Gilliam]Time Bandits
med. time trade-off {adj} [attr.] <TTO> [method, appoach, etc.]Time-Trade-Off- <TTO> [Methode, Ansatz usw.]
med. small volume resuscitation <SVR>Small Volume Resuscitation / Small-volume-Resuscitation {f} <SVR>
Biel Mean Time <BMT> [Swatch global internet time]Biel Mean Time {f} <BMT> [globale Internetzeit]
comp. Time Partition Testing <TPT>Time Partition Testing {n} <TPT> [Testverfahren für den Test eingebetteter Systeme]
comp. just-in-time compilation <JIT>Just-in-time-Kompilierung {f}
small {adj}gering
small {adj}geringfügig
small {adj}klein
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