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English-German translation for: small-town
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Dictionary English German: small town

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NOUN   a small town | small towns
SYNO   settlement | small town | village
geogr. small townFlecken {m}
small townKleinstadt {f}
small townStädtchen {n}
small-town {adj} [attr.]dörflich
small-town {adj} [attr.]kleinstädtisch
small townStädtele {n} [schwäbisch]
small town [Am.]Dorf {n}
(small) town fairDorffest {n}
(small) town festivalDorffest {n}
geogr. small border townGrenzdorf {n}
small border townGrenzstädtchen {n}
small country townLandstädtchen {n}
geogr. small Eifel townEifelstädtchen {n}
geogr. small mountain townBergstädtchen {n}
geogr. small Pyrenean townPyrenäenstädtchen {n}
TrVocab. small resort townFeriendorf {n}
small rural townLandstädtchen {n}
small town girlDorfmädchen {n}
TrVocab. small town hotelKleinstadthotel {n}
small Western townWesternstädtchen {n}
small-town atmosphereKleinstadtatmosphäre {f}
small-town dwellerKleinstädter {m}
small-town girlKleinstadtmädchen {n}
small-town idyllKleinstadtidylle {f}
small-town preacherKleinstadtprediger {m}
small-town residentsKleinstadtbewohner {pl}
(small) townOrtschaft {f} [kleine Stadt]
small town kids [coll.]Kleinstadtkinder {pl}
small-town folks [coll.]Dorfbewohner {pl}
small-town {adj} [also: small town]Kleinstadt-
film small town movie [Am.]Kleinstadtfilm {m} [Genre]
sociol. small-town Americadas kleinstädtische Amerika {n}
small-town dwellersBewohner {pl} von Kleinstädten
geogr. small town on the RhineStädtchen {n} am Rhein
small town in its own rightkleine selbständige Stadt {f}
small town in its own rightkleine selbstständige Stadt {f}
lit. F A Small Town in Germany [John le Carré]Eine kleine Stadt in Deutschland
Partial Matches
film F Zombie Town [Damon LeMay]Night of the Creeps 2 – Zombie Town
comp. econ. spec. town hall meetingTown Hall {f} [Veranstaltung od. Präsentation, z. B. von der Geschäftsleitung für alle Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens]
geogr. George Town [capital of the Cayman Islands]George Town {n} [Hauptstadt der Cayman Inseln]
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
med. small-fiber pathology [Am.]Small-fiber-Pathologie {f}
med. small-fibre pathology [Br.]Small-fibre-Pathologie {f}
MedTech. small part sonographySmall-Part-Sonographie {f}
film F Small Soldiers [Joe Dante]Small Soldiers
townStadt {f}
new townNew Town {f}
sports small forwardSmall Forward {m} [Basketball]
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A 2022-09-06: @MichaelK: just the other way around in my childhood's neighborhood (small...
A 2013-02-15: In November, the army, running away from the rebels, raided the small town...
A 2007-06-05: it depends on where you won it: a small town or a city
A 2007-05-03: a small town with certain privileges
A 2003-09-22: Small town in Baden-Württemberg

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