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English-German translation for: smart phone
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Dictionary English German: smart phone

Translation 1 - 50 of 529  >>

NOUN   a smart phone | smart phones
SEE ALSO  smartphone
Internet telecom. smart phoneSmartphone {n}
Partial Matches
smart {adj}clever [aufgeweckt]
smart {adj}elegant
smart {adj}fesch [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.]
smart {adj}flink
smart {adj}listig
cloth. cosmet. smart {adj}modisch
smart {adj}munter [aufgeweckt]
smart {adj}pfiffig
smart {adj}smart [ugs.]
smart {adj}zügig [z. B. Tempo, Bedienung]
to smartschmerzen
smartSchmerz {m}
smart {adj} [appearance]gepflegt
smart {adj} [appearance]schnittig
smart {adj} [intelligent]gescheit
smart {adj} [intelligent]klug
smart {adj} [intelligent]schlau
smart {adj} [appearance]adrett [hübsch, gepflegt]
smart {adj} [dextrous]geschickt
smart {adj} [intelligent]intelligent
smart {adj} [stylish]schick
to smart [sore]brennen [Wunde]
damned smart {adj}verdammt gerissen [ugs.]
cloth. smart casual {adj}sportlich elegant
smart-looking {adj}flott aussehend
smart-looking {adj}gut aussehend
smart-looking {adj}gutaussehend
to be smartetwas im Kopf haben [ugs.] [fig.]
smart aleckNaseweis {m}
material smart alloyFormgedächtnislegierung {f}
smart appearanceadrettes Äußeres {n}
smart blowheftiger Schlag {m}
smart bomb(durch Laser) gelenkte Bombe {f}
smart bombintelligente Bombe {f}
cloth. smart bootsschicke Stiefel {pl}
smart boyfescher Junge {m}
smart cardChipkarte {f}
smart dealergerissener Händler {m}
smart dealerschlauer Händler {m}
comp. electr. smart deviceSmartgerät {n} [auch: Smart-Gerät]
comp. electr. smart devicesintelligente Geräte {pl}
cloth. smart dressschickes Kleid {n}
comp. electr. smart dustSmart Dust {m} [„intelligenter Staub”]
ind. tech. smart factoryintelligente Fabrik {f} [auch: Smart Factory]
ind. tech. smart factorySmart Factory {f} [intelligente Fabrik]
smart fellowflotter Bursche {m}
smart fellowgeschickter Bursche {m}
smart fellowPfiffikus {m}
smart fellowschneidiger Kerl {m}
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A 2014-10-18: smart phone payment app
Q 2013-06-27: mediale Übersättigung (= too much tv, internet, games, smart phone, etc)
A 2011-05-05: Okay: Cell/smart phones in AE and mobile (phones) in BE. Thank you!
A 2010-07-16: Smart phone
A 2010-07-16: smart phone
Q 2010-07-16: smart phone?

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