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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: smiling
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Dictionary English German: smiling

Translation 1 - 16 of 16

English German
ADJ   smiling | more smiling | most smiling
NOUN   smiling | -
VERB  to smile | smiled | smiled
smiling | smiles
SYNO   beamish | smiling | twinkly | grin ... 
smiling {adj} {pres-p}
smiling {adj}
2 Words
gently-smiling {adj}sanft lächelnd
Keep smiling!Kopf hoch!
smiling atanlächelnd
smiling back <SB>zurücklächelnd
without smiling {adv}ohne zu lächeln
smiling fortunegnädiges Geschick {n}
smiling landscapeheitere Landschaft {f}
smiling skyheiterer Himmel {m}
3 Words
to come up smilingetw. leicht überstehen
ever-smiling womanStrahlefrau {f} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
4 Words
He couldn't help smiling.Er konnte sich eines Lächelns nicht erwehren. [geh.]
to assume a smiling expressionein Lächeln zeigen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2017-05-25: Ha ha I will try and let you know if people keep smiling ;) Danke
A 2009-12-31: film about smiling made by VISHEN LAKHIANI -- wishin' ... lach *ja* nie!
Q 2009-11-20: floursweating and smiling peas :-)
A 2009-03-26: @ Allan: Keep smiling, keep shining ....
A 2008-07-01: well.. I am always smiling.. ´so I think its a dirty grin this time.
A 2007-09-08: I couldn't/can't help smiling
A 2007-06-09: naturally I won't be smiling when I say it... :)
A 2007-05-22: Somehow, I can't help smiling ..........
A 2006-10-03: @godesia: So let's develop the notion of a "grammar of smiling at each oth...
Q 2006-07-06: that make me just break out smiling and giggling
A 2004-10-06: I would say either 'she was beaming' or she was smiling from ear to ear

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