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English-German translation for: smoker
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Dictionary English German: smoker

Translation 1 - 69 of 69


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NOUN   a smoker | smokers
SYNO   smoker | stag party | tobacco user ... 
NOUN   der Smoker | die Smoker
Raucher {m}
smoker [female]
Raucherin {f}
Schmöker {m} [nordd.] [Raucher]
smoker [esp. Am.] [informal social gathering for men]
Männerrunde {f} [zwangloses Beisammensein]
agr. entom. tools smokepot [bee smoker]Smoker {m} [Imkereigerät]
rail smokerRaucherabteil {n}
smoker [Am.] [sl.] [stolen car]geklautes Auto {n} [ugs.]
agr. entom. tools smoker [device which emits smoke for subduing bees in a hive]Smoker {m} [Imkerei]
geol. smoker [hydrothermal vent on the ocean floor]Smoker {m} [hydrothermaler Schlot der Tiefsee]
gastr. smoker [to smoke fish or meat]Smoker {m} [zum Smoken von Fisch, Fleisch usw.]
2 Words: Others
smoker-friendly {adj}raucherfreundlich
smoker-unfriendly {adj}raucherunfreundlich
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. barbecue smokerBarbecue-Smoker {m}
entom. tools bee smokerSelbstraucher {m} [Bienenzucht]
agr. entom. tools bee smoker [beekeeping tool]Smoker {m} [Imkereigerät]
geol. black smokerSchwarzer Raucher {m}
chain smoker [Br. also: chain-smoker]Kettenraucher {m}
chain smoker [female]Kettenraucherin {f}
cigar smokerZigarrenraucher {m}
cigar smoker [female]Zigarrenraucherin {f}
cigarette smokerZigarettenraucher {m}
cigarette smoker [female]Zigarettenraucherin {f}
confirmed smokerunverbesserlicher Raucher {m}
FoodInd. jobs eel smokerAalräucherer {m}
ex-smokerehemaliger Raucher {m}
former smokerExraucher {m} [auch: Ex-Raucher]
former smoker [female]Exraucherin {f} [auch: Ex-Raucherin]
drugs hash smoker [coll.]Hascher {m} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Haschischraucher]
drugs hashish smokerHaschischraucher {m}
heavy smokerschwerer Raucher {m} [selten] [starker Raucher]
heavy smokerstarker Raucher {m}
lung smokerLungenraucher {m}
never-smokerNieraucher {m}
never-smoker [female]Nieraucherin {f} [auch: Nie-Raucherin]
non-smoker [female]Nichtraucherin {f}
non-smoker <NS>Nichtraucher {m} <NR>
occasional smokerGelegenheitsraucher {m}
occasional smoker [female]Gelegenheitsraucherin {f}
drugs opium smokerOpiumraucher {m}
drugs opium smoker [female]Opiumraucherin {f}
passive smokerPassivraucher {m}
pickle smoker [vulg.]Schwanzlutscher {m} [vulg.]
pipe smokerPfeifenraucher {m}
pipe smoker [female]Pfeifenraucherin {f}
pot-smokerKiffer {m} [ugs.]
recreational smokerFreizeitraucher {m} [auch: Freizeit-Raucher]
psych. smoker motivationRauchermotivation {f}
med. smoker's coughRaucherhusten {m}
med. smoker's hackRaucherhusten {m}
smoker's kiss [coll.]Raucherkuss {m} [ugs.]
med. smoker's legRaucherbein {n}
med. smoker's linesRaucherfalten {pl}
smoker's loungeRaucherraum {m}
smoker's loungeRaucherzimmer {n}
med. smoker's lungRaucherlunge {f}
dent. smoker's plaques {pl}Raucherbelag {m}
smoker's setRauchergarnitur {f}
furn. smoker's tableRauchertisch {m}
furn. smoker's tableRauchtisch {m}
med. smoker's wrinklesRaucherfältchen {pl}
social smokerGesellschaftsraucher {m}
stag smoker [Am.] [stag party]Männertreffen {n} [z. B. Herrenabend]
geol. white smokerWeißer Raucher {m}
3 Words: Nouns
(German incense) smokerRäuchermännchen {n}
long-term smokerLangzeitraucher {m}
non-smoker protection [spv.]Nichtraucherschutz {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to be a pipe smokerPfeife rauchen [Pfeifenraucher sein]
to be a pipe smokerPfeifenraucher sein
4 Words: Nouns
pack-a-day smoker[Raucher, der eine Packung Zigaretten am Tag konsumiert]
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A 2021-08-04: "for the discriminating pipe smoker"
A 2015-02-01: thanks curiosity - I'm a non-smoker...
A 2013-03-15: Gobber (drinker, chain-smoker, no sports, no vegetables, no fruit, likes j...
Q 2012-02-16: Never smoked or not susceptible to smoke - Susceptible smoker
A 2010-12-31: Joanne found it, great! vielleicht: "...dass ein sogenannter Smoker dabei...
A 2010-12-31: bee smoker
A 2010-05-25: smoker's rent
A 2008-10-31: In the context further up, +smoke+ is a +ciggy+ - but as a non-smoker I ha...
A 2007-10-31: Oops... ok, reading this page I get the idea that it's only smoker.
A 2007-10-31: So, in this apicultural context, use "Imkerpfeife" or "smoker", as you like it.
Q 2007-10-31: smoker
A 2006-04-21: In the drawn-out way that a smoker blows a smoke ring, he mouths the word: Yes
A 2006-04-21: Like a smoker blows smoke rings he blurts out just one word: Yes
A 2006-04-21: Like a smoker blowing a ring, he is puffing but one word into the micropho...
A 2006-01-27: non-smoker (sensible girl)
A 2005-08-25: (he/she was) a heavy drinker and chain-smoker
Q 2004-11-24: smoker's cough

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