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English-German translation for: smuggling
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Dictionary English German: smuggling

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

English German
NOUN   a smuggling | smugglings
VERB  to smuggle | smuggled | smuggled
smuggling | smuggles
smuggling {adj} {pres-p}
Schmuggel {m}
Schmuggeln {n}
comm. law smuggling
Schmugglerei {f} [selten für: Schmuggelei]
Schmuggelei {f}
smugglingPascherei {f} [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
law weapons ammunition smugglingMunitionsschmuggel {m}
law zool. animal smugglingTierschmuggel {m}
arms smugglingWaffenschieberei {f}
arms smugglingWaffenschmuggel {m}
art smugglingSchmuggel {m} von Kunstgegenständen
atomic smugglingAtomschmuggel {m}
law cash smugglingBargeldschmuggel {m}
law cat smugglingKatzenschmuggel {m}
cigarette smugglingZigarettenschmuggel {m}
drugs cocaine smugglingKokainschmuggel {m}
law coffee smugglingKaffeeschmuggel {m}
currency smugglingDevisenschmuggel {m}
drugs drug smugglingDrogenschmuggel {m}
law food smugglingLebensmittelschmuggel {m}
comm. law gold smugglingGoldschmuggel {m}
gun smugglingWaffenschmuggel {m}
human smugglingMenschenschmuggel {m}
law insect smugglingInsektenschmuggel {m}
law money smugglingGeldschmuggel {m}
nuclear smugglingAtomschmuggel {m}
drugs opium smugglingOpiumschmuggel {m}
med. MedTech. organ smugglingOrganschmuggel {m}
organized smugglingorganisierter Schmuggel {m}
people smugglingMenschenschmuggel {m}
people smugglingSchlepperei {f} [illegal über Grenzen]
bot. law plant smugglingPflanzenschmuggel {m}
law zool. reptile smugglingReptilienschmuggel {m}
smuggling ringSchmugglerring {m}
smuggling tunnelSchmuggeltunnel {m}
biol. law MedTech. sperm smugglingSamenschmuggel {m} [Schmuggel von Sperma]
law tea smugglingTeeschmuggel {m}
comm. law tobacco smugglingTabakschmuggel {m}
weapons smugglingWaffenschmuggel {m}
law zool. wildlife smugglingWildtierschmuggel {m}
3 Words: Nouns
curr. law gold coin smugglingGoldmünzenschmuggel {m}
people smuggling networkSchlepperorganisation {f}
prevention of smugglingBekämpfung {f} des Schmuggels
smuggling (of people)Schleusen {n}
hist. law smuggling of antiquitiesAntiquitätenschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of babiesBabyschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of beerBierschmuggel {m}
automot. law smuggling of carsAutoschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of childrenKinderschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of diamondsDiamantenschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of dogsHundeschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of gas [Am.] [coll.]Benzinschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of gasoline [Am.]Benzinschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of goldGoldschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of jewelsEdelsteinschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of oilÖlschmuggel {m}
art law smuggling of paintingsBilderschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of petrol [Br.]Benzinschmuggel {m}
bot. law smuggling of seedsSamenschmuggel {m} [Pflanzensamen]
law smuggling of tobaccoTabakschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of vehiclesFahrzeugschmuggel {m}
smuggling of weaponsWaffenschmuggel {m}
law oenol. smuggling of wineWeinschmuggel {m}
law smuggling of womenFrauenschmuggel {m}
4 Words: Nouns
smuggling across the borderSchmuggel {m} über die Grenze
law smuggling of a letterBriefschmuggel {m}
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A 2015-10-28: People smuggling / trafficking
A 2015-10-28: people-smuggling trade
Q 2010-11-23: ideas from the women of the future/smuggling as Schmuggelei/shut down
A 2009-01-25: Not until weapons smuggling into Gaza is stopped can there be agreement on...

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