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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: so spät wie möglich
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: so spät wie möglich

Translation 1 - 50 of 4438  >>

latest possible {adj}so spät wie möglich
Partial Matches
as late asso spät wie
as early as possible {adv}so bald wie möglich
as soon as I possibly can {adv}so bald wie möglich
as soon as may be {conj}so bald wie möglich
as soon as possible {adv} <ASAP>so bald wie möglich
as soon as practicable {adv}so bald wie möglich
at the earliest possible dateso bald wie möglich
at the soonest {adv}so bald wie möglich
at the very earliest {adv}so bald wie möglich
as early as possible {adv} <AEAP>so früh wie möglich
at the earliest time (possible) {adv}so früh wie möglich
earliest possible {adj}so früh wie möglich
as accurately as possible {adv}so genau wie möglich
as precisely as possible {adv}so genau wie möglich
as low as possibleso gering wie möglich
as large as possibleso groß wie möglich
as effectively as possible {adv}so gut wie möglich
as well as possible {adv}so gut wie möglich
as long as possibleso lang wie möglich
at the top of one's voice {adv}so laut wie möglich
as closely as possible {adv}so nah wie möglich
law cy pres {adv}so nah wie möglich
as often as possible {adv}so oft wie möglich
as quickly as possible {adv}so rasch wie möglich
as calmly as possible {adv}so ruhig wie möglich
as fast as one can {adv}so schnell wie möglich
as fast as possible {adv}so schnell wie möglich
as quickly as might beso schnell wie möglich
as quickly as possible {adv}so schnell wie möglich
as soon as possible {adv} <ASAP>so schnell wie möglich
balls to the wall {adv} [coll.] [urgently] [idiom]so schnell wie möglich
fast as can <f.a.c>so schnell wie möglich
with all speed {adv}so schnell wie möglich
as enjoyable as possible {adv}so spaßvoll wie möglich
as quietly as may beso still wie möglich
as much as possible {adv}so viel wie möglich
as many as possibleso viele wie möglich
to the best advantage {adv}so vorteilhaft wie möglich
as far as possible {adv}so weit wie möglich
as much as possible {adv} [to the extent possible]so weit wie möglich
a minimumso wenig wie möglich
as few as possible {adv}so wenig wie möglich
as little as possibleso wenig wie möglich
as well as in any way possible {adv}so gut wie irgend möglich
Answer me as soon as possible!Antworte mir so bald wie möglich!
as long as is physically possibleso lange wie nur irgend möglich
to be on one's best behaviour [Br.]sich so ordentlich wie möglich betragen
to move as fast as one cansich so schnell wie möglich fortbewegen
to be as visible as possibleso gut wie möglich erkennbar sein
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