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English-German translation for: soccer
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Dictionary English German: soccer

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NOUN   soccer | -
SYNO   association football | soccer
NOUN   das/der Soccer | -
sports soccer [esp. Am.]
Fußball {m} [Spiel]
sports soccer [Am.]Soccer {n} [auch {m}] [Fußball]
2 Words: Others
soccer-crazy {adj} [Am.] [coll.]fußballverrückt [ugs.]
2 Words: Verbs
sports to play soccer [Am.]ballestern [österr.] [ugs.] [veraltend]
sports to play soccer [Am.]Fußball spielen
2 Words: Nouns
sports (soccer) goalFußballtor {n}
amateur soccer [Am.]Amateurfußball {m}
sports amputee soccer [Am.]Amputiertenfußball {m}
sports beach soccer [Am.]Beachsoccer {n} [auch {m}]
sports beach soccer [Am.]Strandfußball {m}
sports blind soccer [Am.] [paralympics]Blindenfußball {m} [Behindertensportart]
sports children's soccer [Am.]Kinderfußball {m}
sports disability soccer [Am.]Behindertenfußball {m}
sports girls' soccer [Am.]Mädchenfußball {m}
sports indoor soccer [Am.]Hallenfußball {m}
sports indoor soccer [Am.]Indoorsoccer {n} [auch {m}]
sports men's soccer [Am.]Herrenfußball {m}
sports men's soccer [Am.]Männerfußball {m}
sports playing soccer [Am.]Fußballspielen {n}
sports professional soccer [Am.]Profifußball {m}
sports soccer arena [Am.]Fußballarena {f}
sports soccer association [Am.]Fußballverband {m}
sports soccer ballLederwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [österr.] [Fußball]
sports soccer ball [Am.] [Aus.]Fußball {m} [Sportgerät]
sports soccer balls [Am.] [Aus.]Fußbälle {pl} [Sportgerät]
cloth. sports soccer boot [Am.]Fußballschuh {m}
cloth. sports soccer boot [Am.]Fußballstiefel {m}
cloth. sports soccer boots [Am.]Fußballschuhe {pl}
sports soccer campTrainingslager {n} [für Fußball]
jobs sports soccer career [Am.]Fußballkarriere {f}
sports soccer club [Am.]Fußballverein {m}
jobs sports soccer coach [Am.]Fußballtrainer {m}
sports soccer fan [Am.]Fußballfan {m}
sports soccer fanatic [Am.]Fußballfan {m}
sports soccer fans [Am.]Fußballfreunde {pl}
sports soccer fans [Am.]Tifosi {pl} [Fußballfans]
sports soccer field [Am.]Fußballfeld {n}
sports soccer field [Am.]Fußballplatz {m}
sports soccer game [Am.]Fußballspiel {n}
sports soccer god [Am.] [also: god of soccer] [used for soccer player, trainer]Fußballgott {m} [auch: Fußball-Gott] [Fußballjargon für hervorragenden („gottgleichen“) Spieler, Trainer]
sports soccer ground [Am.]Fußballplatz {m}
sports soccer hall [Am.]Fußballhalle {f}
sports soccer hobbyist [Am.]Hobbyfußballer {m}
cloth. sports soccer jersey [Am.]Fußballtrikot {n}
sports soccer legend [Am.]Fußballlegende {f} [auch: Fußball-Legende]
jobs sports soccer manager [Am.]Fußballmanager {m}
sports soccer mania [Am.]Fußballfieber {n} [fig.] [Fußballbegeisterung]
sports soccer match [Am.] [Aus.] [Can.]Fußballmatch {n}
soccer mom [Am.] [coll.][Bezeichnung für Mütter aus den Vorortsiedlungen, die viel Zeit damit verbringen, ihre Kinder von einer Sportveranstaltung zur nächsten zu fahren, und nur fürs Muttersein leben]
sports soccer nation [Am.]Fußballnation {f}
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Q 2018-09-28: closed season [Am.] [e.g. in soccer] = Sommerpause (z. B. im Fußball)
A 2018-07-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=NIU8W9C1LY2LmgXkvJLADA&q=%22w...
A 2017-02-02: Let's talk about football (AE soccer) in links / fetters \ Sprechen wir üb...
Q 2014-12-29: clear open space for football, soccer, and fun
A 2014-06-23: soccer
A 2014-04-28: German A.C. is/was a soccer club in the US
A 2014-01-11: FG soccer cleats offers latest collection
A 2014-01-02: Cheap and good quality soccer shoes 2013
A 2013-08-15: Where to get a pair of wonerfull soccer shoes?
A 2013-04-15: +soccer+ has become US usage, teams in the premier league etc. play +football+
Q 2013-04-15: AFL v soccer
Q 2012-06-08: Soccer language
Q 2012-03-28: FIFA Soccer 12 CD Key|buy FIFA Soccer 12 CD Key,pls visit cdkey-game.com
Q 2011-06-12: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 CD Key|Buy Pro Evolution
Q 2011-05-18: Soccer Terminology
A 2011-04-09: +soccer mom+ seems to be a bit derogatory and entirely US-American; in the...
Q 2011-04-09: soccer moms
A 2011-03-23: http://www.soccer-universe.com/instep-shot.html
A 2011-01-25: Bitte Schwalbe (Fußball) > archer's bow / archer's bow dive (football / so...
A 2011-01-03: Soccer is religion there, I agree.

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