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English-German translation for: social media marketing
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Dictionary English German: social media marketing

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Internet market. social-media marketingSocial-Media-Marketing {n}
Partial Matches
market. social marketingSocial Marketing {n} [oft synonym verwendet mit Sozialmarketing bzw. Non-Profit-Marketing]
Internet social media [treated as sg. or pl.]Social Media {pl}
Internet social-media accountSocial-Media-Konto {n}
Internet social-media activitySocial-Media-Aktivität {f}
Internet social-media channelSocial-Media-Kanal {m}
Internet social-media platformSocial-Media-Plattform {f}
Internet social media sitesSocial-Media-Sites {pl}
Internet social-media accountSocial-Media-Account {m} {n}
psych. sociol. social media addictionSucht {f} nach sozialen Medien
Internet telecom. social media [treated as sg. or pl.]soziale Medien {pl}
Internet comments on social mediaKommentare {pl} in den sozialen Medien
pharm. market. direct-to-consumer marketing <DTC marketing>DTC-Marketing {n} [insb. direkte Vermarktung rezeptpflichtiger Medikamente an die Patienten]
market. personalized marketing <PM>One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing>
comm. market. customized marketing [one-to-one marketing]One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing>
comm. market. sales and marketing <S&M, SM>Verkauf und Marketing
ling. market. neol. marketing lingoMarketing-Sprech {n} [hum. und pej. für: Marketing-Fachsprache]
market. marketing reach [sphere of influence]Marketing-Einflussbereich {m}
marketing gibberishMarketing-Gewäsch {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
career in marketingKarriere {f} im Marketing
marketing assistant [female]Marketing-Assistentin {f}
marketing assistant [male]Marketing-Assistent {m}
market. guerrilla marketingGuerilla-Marketing {n}
market. local marketinglokales Marketing {n}
econ. market. marketing guidelinesMarketing-Richtlinien {pl}
market. mosquito marketingMoskito-Marketing {n}
market. multisensory marketingmultisensorisches Marketing {n}
econ. market. network marketingNetzwerk-Marketing {n}
market. viral marketingvirales Marketing {n}
market. market media studyMarkt-Media-Studie {f}
market. marketing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. assistant, concept, director, manager, model]Marketing- [z. B. Assistent, Konzept, Chef, Manager, Modell]
comp. media readerMedia-Lesegerät {n}
market. media strategyMedia-Strategie {f}
comp. write once read many (times) storage media <WORM>WORM-Media {pl} [einmal beschreibbarer und mehrfach lesbarer, optischer Datenträger]
comp. write once read multiple (times) storage media <WORM>WORM-Media {pl} [einmal beschreibbarer und mehrfach lesbarer, optischer Datenträger]
med. chronic epitympanic otitis mediachronische epitympanale Otitis media {f} [chronische Knocheneiterung]
med. chronic mesotympanic otitis mediachronische mesotympanale Otitis media {f} [chronische Schleimhauteiterung]
mediaMedia {pl} [selten]
anat. biol. media [Tunica media] [middle coat]Media {f} [kurz für: Tunica media]
econ. QM marketing requirements document <MRD>Marketing-Requirements-Dokument {n} <MRD>
market. inbound marketing <IM>Inbound-Marketing {n}
market. outbound marketing <OM>Outbound-Marketing {n}
market. target marketing <TM>Target-Marketing {n}
market. one-to-one marketing [1-to-1 marketing, 1:1 marketing]One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing>
comp. social intranetSocial Intranet {n} [soziales Intranet]
psych. sociol. social validationSocial Validation {f} [soziale Bestätigung]
hist. relig. Social Gospel movementSocial-Gospel-Bewegung {f}
market. marketingMarketing {n}
marketing {adj}Handels-
comm. marketingAbsatz {m}
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