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Dictionary English German: socialism

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
NOUN   socialism | -
SYNO   socialism | socialist economy
Sozialismus {m}
socialismGemeinwirtschaft {f} [Sozialismus]
2 Words
pol. democratic socialismdemokratischer Sozialismus {m}
econ. hist. pol. early socialismFrühsozialismus {m}
hist. pol. guild socialismGildensozialismus {m}
pol. lectern socialismKathedersozialismus {m}
econ. pol. lemon socialismZitronensozialismus {m}
econ. market socialismKonkurrenzsozialismus {m}
econ. market socialismMarktsozialismus {m}
hist. pol. National SocialismNationalsozialismus {m}
hist. pol. national socialism [political theory combining nationalism and socialism]nationaler Sozialismus {m}
pol. professorial socialismKathedersozialismus {m}
hist. real socialismRealsozialismus {m}
hist. philos. pol. real socialismrealer Sozialismus {m}
hist. real socialismreal existierender Sozialismus {m}
econ. hist. pol. utopian socialismFrühsozialismus {m} [utopischer Sozialismus]
3 Words
hist. pol. actually existing socialismreal existierender Sozialismus {m}
hist. pol. really existing socialismreal existierender Sozialismus {m}
4 Words
pol. Party of Democratic SocialismPartei {f} des Demokratischen Sozialismus <PDS>
pol. socialism of the chairKathedersozialismus {m}
pol. Socialism with Chinese characteristicsSozialismus {m} chinesischer Prägung
5+ Words
Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism [January 27] [in Germany]Tag {m} des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus [27. Januar] [in Deutschland]
hist. pol. socialism with a human faceSozialismus {m} mit menschlichem Antlitz
philos. pol. Xi Jinping Thought {sg} (on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)Xi-Jinping-Gedanken {pl} [Xi Jinpings Ideen des Sozialismus chinesischer Prägung im neuen Zeitalter]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
econ. F Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy [Joseph Schumpeter]Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Demokratie
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A 2018-08-12: [day of remembrance of the victims of National Socialism]?
A 2016-01-16: adequate discussion of National Socialism
Q 2010-05-07: National Socialism in Oceania
A 2009-09-27: socialism etc... this was doing the rounds quite recently...
Q 2009-01-12: pink socialism
A 2008-06-01: Riddle hat recht (wie meistens) Socialism is ideology:
A 2007-10-29: The socialist states often called their societies Socialist Democracies \ ...
A 2007-06-11: ...in the “closed societies” of the Real Socialism between 1945 and 1989
A 2005-10-14: socialistic idea or the idea of socialism
A 2005-08-13: is "being a soldier during socialism" enough

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