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English-German translation for: socially
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Dictionary English German: socially

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
socially {adv}
socially {adv}
socially {adv}in sozialer Hinsicht
2 Words: Others
(socially) acceptable {adj}hoffähig [fig.] [meist hum. oder ironisch]
socially acceptable {adj}gesellschaftsfähig
socially acceptable {adj}salonfähig
socially acceptable {adj}sozialverträglich
socially acceptable {adj}sozial verträglich
socially awkward {adj} [inept, clumsy]sozial unbeholfen
socially awkward {adj} [lacking communicative and social competence]sozial inkompetent
socially challenged {adj}[im Umgang mit Menschen gehandicapt, z. B. extrem schüchtern]
socially compatible {adj}sozialverträglich
sociol. socially competent {adj}gemeinschaftsfähig
psych. sociol. socially competent {adj}sozial kompetent
sociol. socially dangerous {adj}gemeingefährlich
pol. sociol. socially dangerous {adj}sozial gefährlich
sociol. socially deprived {adj}sozial schwach
sociol. socially disadvantaged {adj} {past-p}sozial benachteiligt
socially disadvantaged {adj}sozial schwächer gestellt
socially fair {adj}sozialgerecht
socially immature {adj}sozial unreif
socially inclusive {adj}sozial integrativ
socially relevant {adj}gesellschaftsrelevant
socially sanctioned {adj}gesellschaftlich sanktioniert
socially stigmatized {adj} {past-p}gesellschaftlich stigmatisiert
socially subordinate {adj}sozial untergeordnet
socially weak {adj}sozial schwach
socially-engaged {adj} {past-p}gesellschaftlich engagiert
2 Words: Verbs
to gain sociallygesellschaftliche Fortschritte machen
3 Words: Nouns
sociol. (socially) withdrawn childAußenseiterkind {n} [verschlossen, scheu, kontaktarm etc.]
sociol. socially marginalised group [Br.]gesellschaftliche Randgruppe {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to gain financially and sociallyfinanziell und gesellschaftlich vorankommen
to know each other sociallysich privat kennen
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Q 2018-05-12: socially-aware
A 2016-12-01: Whoever owns an extra socially-minded company will soar in the rankings
A 2014-09-07: P.S.: Both socially and professionally, my neck of the woods is Europe rat...
Q 2013-09-22: socially handicapped, no people skills
A 2013-04-14: socially (skilled) person .. ?
Q 2012-12-22: socially awkward
A 2012-09-14: Just because they are socially inappropriate does not mean that the entrie...
A 2011-10-24: try 'socially responsible growth.'
Q 2011-09-30: to work inclusively and socially
Q 2011-01-07: we were socially their friends
A 2010-10-13: compulsorily socially insurable
A 2010-06-03: "socially vulnerable" rather than "society's vulnerable"
Q 2010-05-10: socially inept
A 2010-02-26: Sterling advice, zou. Slang opens few doors for you and easily ostracizes ...
Q 2010-01-22: socially ill at ease
Q 2009-10-22: socially shared language
A 2009-04-21: It depends if the kind of comprehension arises from the live as a socially...
A 2009-03-31: "citizenship" is a large concept in Amiland. It means to be socially cons...
Q 2009-03-22: socially engaged practice
Q 2008-11-06: socially situated arts practice

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socially dangerous
socially deprived
socially disadvantaged

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