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English-German translation for: software -
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Dictionary English German: software

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NOUN   software | -
SYNO   computer software | package ... 
NOUN   die Software | [selten] die Softwares
SYNO   Anwendung | Applikation ... 
comp. software <SW>
Software {f}
comp. software {sg}
Computerprogramme {pl}
comp. software
Programmausstattung {f}
comp. abandonwareaufgegebene Software {f}
comp. freewarekostenlose Software {f}
comp. malware [malicious software]bösartige Software {f}
comp. shelfwareungenutzte Software {f}
comp. software {sg}EDV-Programme {pl}
2 Words: Others
comp. by software {adv} [e.g. controlled by software]softwaremäßig
comp. software-agnostic {adj}softwareunabhängig
comp. software-assisted {adj}softwareunterstützt
comp. software-compatible {adj}software-kompatibel
comp. tech. software-controlled {adj}softwaregesteuert
2 Words: Verbs
comp. to install softwareSoftware aufspielen
2 Words: Nouns
comp. accompanying softwarebegleitende Software {f}
acc. comp. accounting softwareBuchhaltungsprogramm {n}
comp. additional softwareZusatzsoftware {f}
admin. comp. administrative softwareVerwaltungssoftware {f}
comp. antivirus softwareVirenschutzsoftware {f}
comp. application softwareAnwendersoftware {f}
comp. application softwareAnwendung {f} [kurz für: Anwendungssoftware]
comp. application softwareAnwendungssoftware {f}
comp. application software {sg}Anwenderprogramme {pl}
comp. application software <application sw>Applikationssoftware {f} <Applikations-SW>
comp. applications softwareAnwendersoftware {f}
comp. applications softwareAnwendungssoftware {f}
comp. authoring softwareAutorensoftware {f}
comp. ind. automation softwareAutomationssoftware {f}
comp. ind. automation softwareAutomatisierungssoftware {f}
comp. backup softwareSicherungssoftware {f} [Backupsoftware]
comp. fin. bank softwareBankensoftware {f}
comp. fin. banking softwareBankensoftware {f}
comp. basic softwareBasissoftware {f}
comp. basic softwarewesentliche Software {f}
comp. batch softwareBatch-Software {f}
comp. bespoke software [Br.]Individualsoftware {f}
comp. billing softwareAbrechnungssoftware {f}
comp. burning softwareBrennprogramm {n}
comp. econ. business software <BS>Unternehmenssoftware {f}
comp. market. business software <BS>Business-Software {f} <BS> [Unternehmenssoftware]
comp. photo. camera softwareKamerasoftware {f} [auch: Kamera-Software]
comp. cash softwareKassensoftware {f}
comp. collaborative softwarekollaborative Software {f}
comp. commercial softwarekommerzielle Software {f}
comp. communication softwareDatenübertragungssoftware {f}
comp. communication software {sg}Datenübertragungsprogramme {pl}
comp. compression softwareKompressionssoftware {f}
comp. QM computer software <CS>Computersoftware {f} <CS>
comp. computer software <CS>Rechnersoftware {f} [Computersoftware (bei QM)]
comp. control softwareAnsteuerungssoftware {f}
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A 2023-11-04: "permanent license" is used for software by Microsoft
A 2022-09-23: dann: interconnecting (a) business(es) and (remote access) software
A 2022-09-23: software solution propels the business/enterprise
A 2022-09-22: linking businesses and software solutions
A 2021-10-01: Software-Parameter übersetzen?
Q 2021-09-30: Würdet ihr Software-Parameter, sie wie in der Beschreibung gezeigt werden,...
Q 2021-02-01: software for transmitting data and electronic media
Q 2020-10-29: Software Engineering student
A 2020-01-06: or maybe this would sound even better: "The marriage of art and software ... "
A 2019-12-17: Unbedingt mal die Präsentations-Software PREZI ansehen.
A 2019-11-19: Der Übersetzer muß wissen, ob die Software (User Interface/UI) ENGLISCH bl...
Q 2018-10-26: low-level microcontroller embedded software drivers
Q 2018-08-30: Licensing of Software using the Dictionary
A 2018-01-27: @Paul: Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass die von Dir programmierte Software ...
A 2017-12-20: Later on, the catalogue was incorporated in two software projects which we...
Q 2017-12-06: Übersetzbarkeit (von Software-Quellcode)
Q 2017-10-11: Kaspersky Lab anti-virus software installed on your computer?
A 2017-10-10: teething troubles or for software etc bugs fixed
A 2017-07-14: Vermutlich ist die Software aus einer anderen Sprache übersetzt.
A 2017-06-15: AGBs (für Software)

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