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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: software automatic
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Dictionary English German: software automatic

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comp. component-based software engineering <CBSE>komponentenbasierte Software-Entwicklung {f}
Federation Against Software Theft <FAST>Vereinigung {f} gegen den Diebstahl von Software
comp. QM software configuration management plan <SCMP>Software-Konfigurationsmanagementplan {m} [auch engl. Abk.: SCMP]
comp. QM software quality assurance plan <SQAP>Software-Qualitätssicherungsplan {m} [auch engl. Abk.: SQAP]
comp. non-free software [only Debian]unfreie Software {f}
comp. QM software quality assurance <SQA>Software-Qualitätssicherung {f} <SQS>
comp. econ. QM software requirements specification <SRS>Software-Anforderungsspezifikation {f} <SAS>
comp. software and control technologySoftware- und Steuerungstechnologie {f}
comp. tech. software clockSoftware-Uhr {f} [auch: Softwareuhr]
comp. software component <SC>Software-Komponente {f} <SK>
comp. software engineeringTechnik {f} der Software-Erstellung
comp. software implementationSoftware-Implementierung {f} [auch: Softwareimplementierung]
comp. software optimizationSoftware-Optimierung {f} [auch: Softwareoptimierung]
comp. open source software <OSS>quelloffene Software {f}
comp. software development toolSoftware-Entwicklungswerkzeug {n} [Programmierwerkzeug]
comm. comp. stock management softwareLagerverwaltungssoftware / Lagerverwaltungs-Software {f}
comp. a piece of softwareeine Software {f}
psych. models of software designSoftware-Entwicklungsmodelle {pl}
comp. open-source (code) softwarequelltextoffene Software {f}
comp. open-source-code softwarequelltextoffene Software {f}
comp. optical disc authoring softwareBrenn-Software {f}
comp. software <SW> translationSoftware-Übersetzung {f}
comp. software applications <apps>Software-Anwendungen {pl}
comp. jobs software programmer [female]Software-Programmiererin {f}
comp. anti-virus softwareAntivirus-Software {f}
comp. application-specific softwareanwendungsspezifische Software {f}
comp. closed-source softwareproprietäre Software {f}
comp. machine-oriented softwarebetriebssystemnahe Software {f}
comp. photo. noise-reduction softwareRauschunterdrückungs-Software {f}
comp. software design methodsSoftware-Entwurfstechnik {f}
comp. software development costsSoftware-Entwicklungskosten {pl}
comp. software development errorSoftware-Entwicklungsfehler {m}
comp. tech. software-component versionSoftware-Komponentenversion {f}
comp. user-friendly softwareanwenderfreundliche Software {f}
comp. QM software design description <SDD>Software-Design-Beschreibung {f} [auch engl. Abk.: SDD]
comp. QM software verification and validation plan <SVVP>Software-Verifikations- und Validationsplan {m} <SVVP>
comp. software-compatible {adj}software-kompatibel
comp. to install softwareSoftware aufspielen
comp. accompanying softwarebegleitende Software {f}
comp. basic softwarewesentliche Software {f}
comp. collaborative softwarekollaborative Software {f}
comp. commercial softwarekommerzielle Software {f}
comp. custom softwarekundenspezifische Software {f}
comp. finance softwareFinanz-Software {f}
comp. Internet free softwarefreie Software {f}
comp. proprietary softwareanwendereigene Software {f}
comp. proprietary softwareproprietäre Software {f}
comp. reliable softwarezuverlässige Software {f}
comp. electr. scanning softwareScan-Software {f}
comp. software archaeologySoftware-Archäologie {f}
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