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English-German translation for: solemn
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Dictionary English German: solemn

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
ADJ   solemn | more solemn | most solemn
SYNO   earnest | sincere | solemn | grave ... 
solemn {adj}
solemn {adj}
ernst [feierlich]
solemn {adj}
law solemn {adj}
mus. solemn {adj}
getragen [feierlich]
solemn {adj}
solemn {adj}
solenn [veraltet]
2 Words: Others
deeply solemn {adj}tief feierlich
more solemn {adj}feierlicher
most solemn {adj}feierlichste
2 Words: Nouns
(solemn) promiseGelöbnis {n}
law solemn affirmationeidliche Erklärung {f}
solemn appealfeierlicher Appell {m}
solemn assertionfeierliche Beteuerung {f}
solemn assertionfeierliche Zusicherung {f}
solemn atmospherefeierliche Stimmung {f}
solemn cathedralehrfurchterweckende Kathedrale {f}
solemn declarationfeierliche Erklärung {f}
solemn eventbedeutsames Ereignis {n}
solemn faceernstes Gesicht {n} [würdevolles Gesicht]
solemn moodernste Stimmung {f}
solemn moodfeierliche Stimmung {f}
solemn musicfeierlich getragene Musik {f}
solemn oathfeierlicher Eid {m}
solemn oathheiliger Eid {m}
solemn occasionernste und feierliche Angelegenheit {f}
solemn pledgefeierliches Gelöbnis {n}
solemn prayerfeierliches Gebet {n}
relig. solemn professionfeierliche Profess {f}
solemn promiseGelübde {n}
solemn promisefeierliches Versprechen {n}
solemn sacrificefeierliches Opfer {n}
solemn silencefeierliche Stille {f}
solemn vigilMahnwache {f}
solemn vowEidschwur {m}
relig. solemn vowsfeierliche Gelübde {pl}
solemn warningeindringliche Warnung {f}
4 Words: Others
in a solemn tone {adv}mit feierlicher Stimme
4 Words: Verbs
to give a solemn promisefeierlich versprechen
law to make a solemn declarationeine eidesstattliche Erklärung abgeben
5+ Words: Others
as solemn as a judge {adj} [pred.] [idiom]todernst
5+ Words: Verbs
to confirm sth. by a solemn oathdas Abendmahl auf etw.Akk. nehmen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [einen heiligen Eid schwören]
to make a solemn resolve to do sth.sichDat. geloben, etw. zu tun [ugs.]
to make sb. a solemn promise to do sth.jdm. in die Hand geloben, etw. zu tun [Redewendung]
to put on a solemn faceein ernstes Gesicht aufsetzen
EU law to refuse to give evidence, to take the oath or to make a solemn affirmation equivalent theretodie Aussage, die Eidesleistung oder die dem Eid gleichgestellte feierliche Erklärung verweigern
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A 2024-02-18: meaning "not solemn or serious", see the "as if" (or "so to speak")
A 2020-11-15: ? solemn games https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludi_Apollinares
A 2015-06-07: Maybe +flies away+ - cf. infra; or +to file away > to walk away one behind...
A 2014-11-20: Dazu in Klammern (Solemn League and Covenant) - dann ist alles klar.
A 2014-11-20: Bitte ÜBERSETZEN!!! ... machten 1643 die Schotten mit dem englischen Parla...
A 2012-04-10: a day of solemn silence?
A 2012-02-04: it's fine - ... solemn steht nicht dabei .... und religiös / weltlich a...
Q 2009-06-26: I'd again be grateful for a check! Need it old-fashioned and solemn. Thankx
Q 2009-06-26: Deus lo volt! Gott will es! = God wills it! (need it solemn and old-fashio...
A 2009-06-26: you can use it nowadays, but not in a text of an old-fashioned and solemn nature
A 2008-10-19: yes - a vow also solemn promise ....
A 2008-01-25: Those British phrases always sound so solemn... The German ones are terrib...

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