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English-German translation for: song
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Dictionary English German: song

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NOUN1   a song | songs
NOUN2   song [singing] | -
SYNO   song | vocal | strain | Song ... 
NOUN   der Song | die Songs
SYNO   Lied | Liedgut | Song
mus. song
Lied {n}
mus. song
Song {m}
mus. orn. zool. song
Gesang {m}
mus. tune
Song {m}
mus. song [popular music]
Titel {m}
mus. joint [Am.] [sl.]Song {m} [Rap]
orn. songSchlag {m}
2 Words: Others
Awesome song! [Am.] [coll.]Geiles Lied! [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. action songAktionslied {n}
mus. antiphonal songWechselgesang {m} [Lied]
mus. art songKunstlied {n}
mus. art songLied {n} [Kunstlied]
mus. autumn songHerbstlied {n}
mus. bacchanalian songBacchuslied {n}
lit. mus. bacchanalian songTrinklied {n}
mus. battle songKampflied {n}
mil. mus. battle songKriegslied {n}
mil. mus. battle songSchlachtengesang {m}
mus. battle songSchlachtgesang {m}
bawdy songunzüchtiges Lied {n}
orn. bird songVogelgesang {m}
mus. birthday songGeburtstagslied {n}
orn. blackbird's songAmselgesang {m}
orn. blackbird's songGesang {m} der Amsel
mus. boat songBarkarole {f} [Schifferlied]
mus. boat songSchifferlied {n}
mus. bridal songBrautlied {n}
mus. campfire songLagerfeuerlied {n}
canary songKanariengesang {m}
mus. carnival songKarnevalslied {n}
mus. catchy songOhrwurm {m} [ugs.] [einprägsames Lied]
cheerful songfröhliches Lied {n}
mus. children's songKinderlied {n}
mus. relig. christening songTauflied {n}
mus. Christmas songWeihnachtslied {n}
mus. relig. church songKirchengesang {m}
mus. relig. church songKirchenlied {n}
sports club songVereinshymne {n}
sports club songVereinslied {n}
lit. mus. comic songCouplet {n}
acad. educ. commercium songStudentenlied {n}
mus. consort songConsort Song {m} [engl. Liedgattung]
hist. Consort SongKonkubine {f} Song [Konkubine des chin. Kaisers Zhang]
zool. courtship songBalzgesang {m}
mus. cradle songWiegenlied {n}
hist. mus. crusade songKreuzfahrerlied {n}
hist. mus. relig. crusade songKreuzlied {n} [Kreuzfahrerlied]
dawn songMorgengesang {m}
mus. dawn songTagelied {n}
death songTotengesang {m}
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Q 2024-01-26: shimmering song
Q 2022-08-29: Lovely song
A 2021-03-12: Und hier der Link zum Song, damit ihr ihn endlich mal hört. Es lohnt sich ;-)
Q 2021-03-01: A Song of praise for Rome
Q 2019-05-26: https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=WiXqXKf3HeiMrgSpkYigDA&q=happine...
Q 2018-12-09: Song translation
A 2018-12-07: The song you quoted has fleetly as an adverb, not fleet as a verb, so that...
Q 2018-04-19: Tamil song line
Q 2018-02-25: Irish song "In The Rare Ould Times"
A 2018-02-22: probably derogatory: a slushy song from audiophile's bargain counter / basement
Q 2018-02-18: Irish Song "In The Rare Ould Times"
A 2018-02-08: Song
Q 2018-02-05: Short chat mid-song
A 2018-02-02: https://play.google.com/music/preview/Tfjzobw6jvyb5kkdsac3eshncuy?lyrics=1...
A 2018-01-24: song
Q 2018-01-24: new words to song
Q 2017-12-25: Final lines of song
Q 2017-12-24: mumbled words during song
Q 2017-12-19: Song: ...und da hab ich ihr das Leben gerettet
A 2017-12-14: The words of the complete song are here - it may help with the context

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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