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English-German translation for: soundtrack
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Dictionary English German: soundtrack

Translation 1 - 8 of 8


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NOUN   a soundtrack | soundtracks
NOUN   der Soundtrack | die Soundtracks
SYNO   Audiospur | Soundtrack | Tonspur
film mus. soundtrack
Soundtrack {m}
film mus. soundtrack
Filmmusik {f}
film soundtrack
Tonspur {f}
film soundtrack
Tonstreifen {m}
film optical soundtrackLichttonspur {f}
film RadioTV original soundtrackOriginalton {m} <O-Ton>
original soundtrack <OST>Original-Soundtrack {m} <OST> [zu Spielfilmen, TV-Serien oder Videospielen]
film to add a soundtrack to sth.etw. vertonen
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A 2011-03-22: musical arrangement? orchestration? soundtrack?
A 2010-12-07: Den Soundtrack für "High Time" zu schreiben
A 2009-05-16: ...forget about your worries & your strife :)... (lyrics from junglebook/M...
A 2009-02-07: You mean it's part of the soundtrack? I can't remember, really. You're a f...
A 2008-07-25: Im Soundtrack zu "Harry&Sally", wenn ich nicht irre,
A 2008-07-11: ?Motion City Soundtrack
Q 2008-04-01: War gestern in "JUNO" - und lege allen den Soundtrack ans Herz
A 2007-02-23: Actually...the soundtrack to the film was composed by!!!
A 2007-02-23: The film's soundtrack was composed by....
A 2007-02-23: The film's (musical) soundtrack was produced by
A 2006-05-22: original soundtrack

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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