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| – |
 | sour {adj} | 2046 sauer |  |
 | sour {adj} [fig.] | 235 bitter [verbittert] |  |
 | sour {adj} [fig.] [displeased] | 99 unzufrieden |  |
 | sour {adj} [also fig.] | 73 herb [auch fig] |  |
 | sour {adj} [fig.] [morose] | 65 mürrisch |  |
 | sour {adj} [fig.] [person, expression] | 51 griesgrämig |  |
 | sour {adj} [fig.] [person, expression] | 18 verdrießlich |  |
 | sour {adj} [fig.] [person, look] | 12 sauertöpfisch [ugs.] |  |
 | sour {adj} [fig.] [morose] | 12 unwirsch |  |
Verbs |
 | to sour | 240 verbittern |  |
 | gastr. to sour | 33 säuern |  |
 | to sour [fig.] | 24 vergällen |  |
 | to sour | sauer werden |  |
 | to sour [atmosphere, mood, relationship] | sich verschlechtern |  |
 | gastr. to sour sth. | etw.Akk. säuern |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | most sour {adj} | sauerste |  |
 | slightly sour {adj} | (leicht) säuerlich |  |
 | sour-balled {adj} [Am.] | herb [mürrisch, schwierig] |  |
 | sour-faced {adj} | sauertöpfisch [ugs.] |  |
 | sour-tasting {adj} | sauerschmeckend |  |
 | gastr. sweet-sour {adj} | süß-säuerlich |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | gastr. to become sour | säuern |  |
 | gastr. to completely sour sth. [also fig.] | etw.Akk. durchsäuern [auch fig.] |  |
 | gastr. to go sour | säuern |  |
 | to go sour [sl.] | schiefgehen [ugs.] [misslingen] |  |
 | FoodInd. to make sth. sour | etw.Akk. ansäuern |  |
 | gastr. to turn sour | säuern |  |
 | gastr. to turn sour | umschlagen [Wein, Bier usw.] |  |
 | to turn sour | sauer werden |  |
 | to turn sour [wine, beer, milk] | einen Stich bekommen [ugs.] [sauer werden] [Wein, Bier, Milch.] |  |
 | gastr. to turn sth. sour | etw.Akk. säuern |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | sour ball [Am.] [coll.] | Griesgram {m} |  |
 | sour breath | saurer Atem {m} |  |
 | sour breath | übelriechender Atem {m} |  |
 | bot. sour cherries | Weichseln {pl} [österr.] |  |
 | gastr. sour cream | Sauerrahm {m} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] |  |
 | gastr. sour cream | saure Sahne {f} |  |
 | gastr. sour cream [with increased fat content] | Schmand {m} [regional] [saure Sahne mit erhöhtem Fettanteil] |  |
 | gastr. sour cream [with increased fat content] | Schmant {m} [Rsv.] [regional] [saure Sahne mit erhöhtem Fettanteil] |  |
 | chem. geol. sour crude | schwefelreiches / saures Erdöl {n} |  |
 | sour disposition | mürrische Gemütslage {f} |  |
 | gastr. sour dough | Sauerteig {m} |  |
 | chem. sour gas | Sauergas {n} |  |
 | quote sour grapes [also fig.] | saure Trauben {pl} [auch fig.] |  |
 | sour grapes [fig.] | Missgunst {f} |  |
 | sour grapes [fig.] | Neid {m} der Besitzlosen |  |
 | gastr. sour milk | Sauermilch {f} |  |
 | gastr. sour milk | gestöckelte Milch {f} [bayer.] [österr.] |  |
 | FoodInd. gastr. sour milk | saure Milch {f} |  |
 | chem. sour oil | saures Rohöl {n} |  |

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Forum A 2022-08-28: to turn sour A 2010-10-20: As for your question, I'd say blackcurrant, because it's more sour to cont... A 2009-03-18: FWIW - (beyond "sour milk") the coagulation (from which cheese is made) is... A 2008-05-10: more like "sour-girlie" ... A 2008-04-22: I'm in Scarborough, and (of course!), SC = Sour Country A 2008-02-24: It's a type of sour cream. Q 2007-12-04: sour beer! A 2007-09-20: Lemon tastes sour. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon A 2007-09-20: On the other hand, the drink is called whisky sour, A 2007-09-20: "The lemon is sour" googelt aber viel besser als mit "bitter" Q 2007-06-04: mildgesäuert - mildly sour? acidic? A 2007-02-28: sour cream A 2007-01-25: Sour - which sour where? A 2007-01-25: you live there, you speak the Sour Country language, you should know Allan A 2007-01-25: @ Allan :Help!! ha ha Could it be a dialect word in Sour Country?? A 2007-01-25: syllabication? = sour-ces A 2006-11-05: A cold, sun-free morning in the Sour Country (Germany!) A 2006-08-21: Oh no, far from both. You were just sour-countryish (in the best sense of ... A 2006-07-10: 60 mpg or 4,73 l/100 km: Must be that special edition "Opel Sour Country"
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