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English-German translation for: source
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Dictionary English German: source

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NOUN   a source | sources
VERB  to source | sourced | sourced ... 
SYNO   informant | source | reservoir ... 
SYNO   Code | Kode | Programmcode ... 
comp. source {adj} [attr.] [e.g. address, application, code, file, program]
Quell- [z. B. Adresse, Anwendung, Code, Datei, Programm]
acad. lit. publ. source {adj} [attr.] [e.g. material, criticism, edition, reference, situation]
Quellen- [z. B. Material, Kritik, Edition, Hinweis, Lage]
econ. to source sth.
etw. beschaffen
Quelle {f}
Herkunft {f} [eines Produkts, Objekts]
Ursprung {m}
Quell {m} [geh.]
Ausgang {m} [Ursprung]
geol. source
Fundort {m}
source [person]
Gewährsmann {m}
philos. relig. source
Urgrund {m}
source [of a disease etc.]
Entstehungsort {m} [einer Krankheit etc.]
archaeo. journ. publ. source [of information, artifacts, etc.]
Fundstelle {f}
geogr. source [a lake as the source of a river]
Quellsee {m}
ling. lit. source [of a metaphor]Bildspender {m} [von einer Metapher]
source [person, feminine]Gewährsfrau {f}
source [submitter]Einsender {m} [Einreicher]
2 Words: Others
comp. open source {adj}quelloffen
spec. source-based {adj}verursachungsgerecht
acad. source-critical {adj}quellenkritisch
phys. source-free {adj}quellenfrei
source-related {adj}herkunftsbezogen
spec. source-specific {adj}verursachungsgerecht
2 Words: Verbs
comm. to source sth. (from sb./sth.)etw. (von jdm./etw.) beziehen
2 Words: Nouns
(primary) sourceUrquell {m} [geh.]
academic sourcewissenschaftliche Quelle {f}
audio acoustic sourceSchallquelle {f}
address sourceAdressenquelle {f}
air source [also: source of air]Luftquelle {f}
alternative sourceAlternativquelle {f} [alternative Quelle]
authoritative sourceberufene Quelle {f}
chem. barium sourceBariumquelle {f}
book sourceBuchquelle {f}
buying sourceBezugsquelle {f}
biol. med. caesium source [Br.]Cäsiumquelle {f}
carbon sourceKohlenstoffquelle {f}
chief sourceHauptquelle {f}
ecol. cold sourceKältequelle {f}
tech. comparison sourceVergleichsquelle {f}
content sourceContent-Quelle {f}
tech. control sourceKontrollquelle {f}
econ. cost sourceKostenquelle {f}
credible sourceglaubwürdige Quelle {f}
electr. current sourceStromquelle {f}
danger sourceGefahrenquelle {f}
data sourceDatenquelle {f}
geol. tech. deformation sourceDeformationsquelle {f}
geol. tech. deformation sourceVerformungsquelle {f}
astron. material dust sourceStaubquelle {f}
geol. earthquake sourceErdbebenquelle {f}
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Q 2024-09-10: Please don't tag something as Br., NZ, etc. unless you have a credible source
A 2024-04-30: Trademark – purpose – to identify the source of the goods, to distinguish ...
A 2024-03-23: Third party source
A 2023-06-29: https://books.google.de/books?id=Jf1qEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT75&lpg=PT75&dq=%22Essen...
A 2023-05-02: The less we can be certain, the more the esoteric is a source of wonder? W...
A 2023-04-28: Wiki weak source
A 2023-03-30: And yet again you post no source for your claim of the motive. Typical. Li...
A 2023-03-10: Source: https://reviews.history.ac.uk/review/600
A 2023-03-10: Source. The above holds for BE usage.
A 2023-01-22: Source
Q 2022-11-18: English source?
A 2022-05-29: Source. Where has our friend +Leop22+ from the +Federated States of Micron...
A 2021-12-09: Waffle – citing wikipedia as source!
A 2021-07-15: Source
Q 2021-04-21: source reduction
A 2021-02-15: Paraphrasing MichaelK's interpretation with reference to my earlier sugges...
A 2020-10-25: +dict.cc+ is an inexhaustible source of trivia, isn't it?
A 2020-10-01: (2) Scholarly source in a wasteland of loose usage
A 2020-08-26: https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&source=hp&ei=Rn5GX-yFJ4yfUKChgvAC&q=...
A 2020-08-25: deprival 1. Noun. The condition of being deprived ¹ ¹ Source: wiktionary...

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