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English-German translation for: south
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Dictionary English German: south

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NOUN   south | -
SYNO   in the south | south | to the south ... 
geogr. south {adj}
south {adj}
south {adv}nach Süden
south <S>
Süden {m} <S>
geogr. meteo. naut. south <S>
Süd <S> [Himmelsrichtung, Windrichtung] [ohne Genus, ohne Artikel]
southMittag {m} [veraltet] [Süden]
southMittagsland {n} [veraltet] [Süden]
geogr. the South [Am.] {sg}Südstaaten {pl} Amerikas
2 Words: Others
down southunten im Süden
due south {adv}genau südlich
due south {adv}genau nach Süden
farther south {adj} {adv}weiter südlich
further south {adv}tiefer im Süden
South African {adj}südafrikanisch
South American {adj}südamerikanisch
geogr. South Atlantic {adj}südatlantisch
geogr. South Australian {adj}südaustralisch
transp. south bound {adv}südwärts
transp. south bound {adv}in südlicher Richtung
geogr. south Chilean {adj}südchilenisch
South European {adj}südeuropäisch
south facing {adj}(in) Südlage [nachgestellt]
South German {adj}süddeutsch <südd., süddt.>
South Korean {adj}südkoreanisch
south ofsüdlich von
South Pacific {adj}südpazifisch
ling. South Semitic {adj}südsemitisch
ethn. geogr. South Slav {adj}südslawisch
ethn. geogr. South Slavic {adj}südslawisch
geogr. ling. South Swabian {adj}südschwäbisch
geogr. hist. South Thracian {adj}südthrakisch
South Tyrolean {adj}Südtiroler
ethn. geogr. South Tyrolean {adj}südtirolisch
South-Asian {adj} [also: South Asian]südasiatisch
south-eastern {adj}südöstlich
south-facing {adj}nach Süden [nachgestellt] [nach Süden gerichtet]
south-facing {adj}nach Süden gerichtet
south-southeast {adj}südsüdöstlich
south-southeasterly {adj} {adv}südsüdöstlich
south-southwest {adj}südsüdwestlich
south-southwesterly {adj} {adv}südsüdwestlich
south-western {adj}südwestlich
sth. faces southetw. ist nach Süden ausgerichtet
2 Words: Verbs
to blow southvon Süden her wehen
to face southnach Süden liegen
to face south [wall, window etc.]nach Süden gehen
to face south [wall, window etc.]nach Süden zeigen
to face sth. southetw. nach Süden ausrichten
to go south [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [plans, economy, etc.]den Bach runtergehen [ugs.] [zunichtewerden] [Redewendung]
to go south [coll.] [idiom]bergab gehen [fig.]
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A 2023-03-09: "e bissle" (ein wenig) sounds Swabian to me. South-west Germany. No typo.
A 2020-05-03: Sorry, but +without session+ is not South Korean gibberish. It does make s...
A 2019-10-10: Thks, Windfall. So "going north" is "raufgehen" and "going south" is "runt...
A 2018-09-17: Among the South German / Austrian nobility, close relatives and friends us...
Q 2017-12-31: https://weather.com/storms/winter/news/2017-12-28-arctic-record-cold-outbr...
A 2017-12-06: heading south
A 2017-12-06: Further LINX https://www.onelook.com/?w=head+south&ls=a
A 2017-12-06: heading / go south
Q 2017-12-06: heading south
A 2015-12-03: Deep south
A 2015-11-25: LINK http://www.http://www.dict.cc/?s=go+down+south
A 2015-11-25: I like the way you went south on me.
Q 2015-10-26: Is Europe excluding Russia falling behind Brazil, India, Indonesia or Sout...
A 2015-04-02: They were seen as far south as Graz a few weeks ago -
A 2015-01-01: Deep South
A 2014-08-19: (South German, Austrian, Swiss) promulgation
Q 2014-07-10: patterns made on wood cuts from the American Deep South
A 2014-05-22: South Australian German
A 2014-04-29: US North vs. South
A 2013-10-16: An American will have to confirm what is typical for a south California yuppie,

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