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English-German translation for: spacer
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Dictionary English German: spacer

Translation 1 - 60 of 60


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NOUN   a spacer | spacers
NOUN   der Spacer | die Spacer
tech. spacer
Abstandhalter {m}
tech. spacer
Distanzhalter {m}
automot. tech. spacer
Abstandshülse {f} [Spacer]
tech. spacer
Abstandshalter {m}
tech. spacer
Zwischenring {m}
tech. spacerAbstandsstück {n}
tech. spacerDistanzstück {n}
biochem. spacerSpacer {m} [Trenn-DNA-Sequenz]
tech. spacerZwischenscheibe {f}
tech. spacerZwischenstück {n}
tech. spacerZwischenteil {n}
MedTech. spacer [inhaler]Spacer {m} [Inhalationssystem]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (spacer) washerAbstandsscheibe {f}
constr. bar spacerAbstandshalter {m}
tech. ceiling spacerDeckendistanzhalter {m}
tech. insulating spacerIsolierdistanzbolzen {m}
MedTech. spacer (chamber) [inhaler]Vorschaltkammer {f} [Spacer beim Inhaliersystem]
tech. spacer (plate)Zwischenplatte {f}
tech. spacer blockAbstandslehre {f} [in Blockform]
tech. spacer boltAbstandbolzen {m}
tech. spacer boltAbstandsbolzen {m}
tech. spacer boltDistanzschraube {f}
tech. spacer boltStehbolzen {m}
tech. spacer boltsStehbolzen {pl}
tech. spacer bushingAbstandsbuchse {f}
tech. spacer bushingDistanzbuchse {f}
tech. spacer bushing [sleeve or broad ring]Abstandshülse {f}
tech. spacer clampDistanzschelle {f}
tech. spacer fabricsAbstandsgewirke {pl}
tech. spacer gridAbstandhalter {m}
tech. spacer nutDistanzmutter {f}
tech. spacer pinAbstandsbolzen {m}
tech. spacer plateAbstandsblech {n}
tech. spacer plateDistanzblech {n}
tech. spacer plateDistanzplatte {f}
tech. spacer profileDistanzprofil {n}
biochem. spacer regionSpacerregion {f}
tech. spacer ringAbstandring {m}
tech. spacer ringAbstandsring {m}
tech. spacer ringDistanzring {m}
tech. spacer ringZwischenring {m}
tech. spacer rubberDistanzgummi {m}
biochem. spacer sequenceSpacer-Sequenz {f} [auch: Spacersequenz]
tech. spacer shaft [Am.]Verbindungswelle {f}
tech. spacer sleeveAbstandhalterhülse {f}
tech. spacer sleeveAbstandshülse {f}
tech. spacer sleeveAbstandsrohr {n}
tech. weapons spacer sleeveDistanzhülse {f}
dent. spacer sleeveDistanzhülse {f} [Implantat]
tech. spacer stripDistanzleiste {f}
tech. spacer tubeDistanzrohr {n}
tech. spacer washerDistanzscheibe {f}
tech. threaded spacerDistanzhülse {f} [mit Gewinde]
constr. tile spacerFugenkreuz {n}
tech. tubular spacerAbstandbuchse {f}
tech. valve spacerDistanzring {m}
wheel spacerSpurverbreiterung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
rail crane spacer carKran-Schutzwagen {m} [Eisenbahn]
tech. cylindrical spacer tubezylindrisches Abstandsrohr {n}
tech. spacer ring packageDistanzringpaket {n}
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A 2018-12-12: spacer bars
A 2010-09-10: If the spacer
A 2008-12-01: Spacer plate sounds better.
A 2008-12-01: spacer plate
A 2008-12-01: spacer sheet
A 2008-09-17: rebar spacer ( = reinforcement bar)
Q 2008-08-24: spacer box unit with access panel
A 2007-01-15: spacer tube
Q 2005-03-15: strapping with protections/spacer board

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